Hulk Or Charlie?

in #comics6 days ago


It would appear that the Incredible Hulk already has enough to deal with. It is no secret that the green one is already fighting with himself. The Hulk wants to take over Bruce Banner's body while Banner wants to save the world from the Hulk. However, now he is being forced to make another choice. As we see in issue #798 for Legacy purposes or issue #17 if you like using the rebooted numbers, the Hulk is tearing apart Las Vegas to find his kidnapped travel companion Charlie.

Following the orders set out by Eldest, one of her minions encased Charlie inside a very special figurine. Eldest, whose power dates back almost 4,000 years or more, will let the Hulk save Charlie at the cost of his own life. Only one of them can be saved. Eldest is relying on Hulk saving Charlie because she needs the Hulk's powers to bring the Mother Of Horrors back to life.

The story in this issue of "The Incredible Hulk" begins in the caves of Las Vegas, where there is a city underground that preys upon those potential starlets looking for fame and fortune with false promises. Becky and Katie are two of those young women who get consumed by the House Of Lycana.

I always thought that many issues of the Hulk read like a horror story. There are definitely enough monstrosities in this tale written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson to prove this point. Nic Klein and Matthew Wilson give us artwork that resembles a dark and creepy feel of a great horror movie. Because I love the storylines of the Hulk so much, I am going to continue purchasing this series for awhile.