When you ask God for something, try not to be near a Skinwalker altar. Charlie Tidwell finds this out the hard way. Still talking tough, as if she was the Hulk herself, in "The Incredible Hulk" #800, Charlie comes face-to-face with Eldest and a very weakened Hulk / Bruce Banner. Teelget, who believes Charlie "smells most pleasant," has a skinwalker take the shape of her father only to have it eventually backfire on Teelget. Wearing the skin of Lycana, Charlie is able to cause the distraction that the Hulk needs to overcome Eldest, but not without her promising revenge! Keep up the good work Phillip Kennedy Johnson!
Filled with extras, another story begins involving Brawn. Also known as The Totally Awesome Hulk, Amadeus Cho is a close friend of the Hulk. Tracking down the Hulk because he heard that he was dealing with all sorts of monsters, Brawn fights alongside his friend. However, Hulk doesn't want them too close for fear of killing Brawn.
She-Hulk has a short story involving a child leading her to a gate. Things go off the rails when the child sees She-Hulk knows Harold Dawson, who is a thief that left people trapped in a frozen world. The treasure he stole was also the sun for others.
The last extra is a story involving American soldier Thunderbolt Ross, whose character recently appeared in the latest Captain America film. Taking place in Russia a few years ago, Ross wrecks havoc on a prison as the Red Hulk. I should mention that I loved the way that the Red Hulk was introduced in the previously mentioned Captain America film. This issue was a great way to celebrate 800 issues of the green guy!