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RE: "What Are My Comic Books Worth?" - Understanding 'Value' in Your Hobby

in #comics7 years ago

Well said and I would be happy if more people had this attitude.

Like many kids in the 90's at least part of why I ended up getting swept up in the boom was the idea that my very own "Todd MacFarlane's Spectacular Secret Issue (Holographic Foil Cover)" would be worth about the same as Action Comics #1 some day.

30 years later, spoiler, I still have that comic and it's 'worth', at most, 2 bucks.

Fortunately, the comics craze also instilled a sense of loving comics for their own sake. I have a bunch of Marvel trading cards. They are 'worth' a few bucks, but nothing major. However, to me, they are worth these priceless things:

  • going through my old binder, reliving my childhood as a I see my hand drawn notes
  • Putting them up on my wall, and smiling as my toddler learns to identify 'Octer OoM' and 'Thing rock man orange'.
  • Archiving, and , gasp reading the comics my father had when we was a kid and entrusted to me.