For as long as I can remember everyone has always said comic books are bad for you,that they didn’t teach you anything and were a distraction in the classroom as they cause behavior issues and didn’t have and structure or developmental benefits.
Comic books are great actually if you look at them as any other book.They come Ina wide range of topics and general ages as well as themed from movies and kids series to attract more readers,this helps aid in the imaginational growth of new readers and is less imtamadaing as the text to photo ratio is 1/4 of what typical books are.
Comic books are excellent for this reason because it isn’t as overwhelming to the reader and helps kids read basic words like zip ,zap, whoosh ,buzz and pow.The help learn in basic cause and affect relationships as well as comprehension and sequence and language skills!
Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!! Keep up with the dorky content for more love!!!
Thanks @supdork for your love and support it means alot .