This is a great story. Thanks for sharing this.
For those of us who do not have comic book stores at hand or the possibility of ordering on line, and who can access rare/old comics only if someone has been generous enough to make it available online (free), it is a great thing to get to know about these issues.
The most recent X-Men movie has just come out with pretty bad reviews. Some critics talk about a movie that should never had been made, or something like that.
Imagine if comic book artists or editors would have seen storylines this way.
That's the beauty of comic books when compared with movies. There are so many issues on so many different storylines, some of them utterly disconnected, unrelated, and even contradictory, and yet readers find ways to "accomodate" all those stories in their comic universe.
That is true, about the comics. There sites that you can pay a monthly subscription to and read as many comics as you want.