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RE: Don’t Be This Guy...

in #comics6 years ago

When I order something that comes in damaged, I go into a hulk-like rage and incinerate it while cursing at God himself. Then I go and demand a refund while providing zero proof to the shipper that said item was destroyed. Oh, I also blame the shipper for the condition said item arrived in as well. All...completely normal and rational ways to act.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! What a stupid wanker!

You know what I learnt in my 11 years as a retail business owner... some customers are simply not worth having!


Lol. Yup. A wanker indeed. That’s the tough part of selling online. You just don’t know if it’s going to derail until its too late. When I see a doucher acting’s like a doucher in the shop I can boot him out. When it’s online...that’s a whole new can of works that usually involves chargebacks, negative feedbacks, bad reviews. Argh!!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can relate. 99% of our design and print orders were done via email - so the same level of doucher applies...
haha :D