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RE: Take My Hand... And I'll Lead You To "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." Comic Creation Update #3!

in #comics7 years ago

Ah! SO this is what @artistchristian mentioned to me the other day. I think this initiative is awesome. Always great to have accountability. Plus, since Christian is working on our collab for a percentage of the time, then I'm indirectly benefitting from this wager as well haha!

The pages are looking great, Bryan! Is this project going to be comedic?


Thank you! Comedy will be a very big element. But I’m a firm believer that you get the best payoffs of genre and emotion when it has a lot of contrast. So while comedy will be plentiful, I hope I can also pull off some gut wrenching drama, face ripping action/adventure, and some fantasy creature designs that stray into pure horror.

From everything I've read, I'm sure you'll be able to pull it off!