Excellent! Love the artwork. And it may help to answer a question I've been trying to figure out: if I post a comic page with some bared breasts, should I label it as NSFW? After looking at the NSFW tag (for research!), it seems like that's mostly straight-up porn, so I don't think a comic like yours here, or mine, would fit. So am I right to think that it's okay to post some R-rated art without flagging with NSFW?
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To be honest I forget about the NSFW tag half the time and put it on the other half even though I feel that it is somehow a prostration to the puritan movement of the modern internet.
The thing with Steemit is that it is rather unruled, but people can flag you for whatever reason they like. I think that a warning in the first line (so people can see it in the preview) can be a good way to warn people without using an actual NSFW tag, but as you can see no one has complained here even though I forgot about it.