I have been away for a while. But now I got the Coppercoin comic that @kommienezuspadt and @ghostfish made and it is great reading it on paper. Thanks!
So why haven't I posted? Just sort of fatigue and such. Many things have happened, the most joyful is that my daughter has graduated from Gymnasium (which is like high school). I have started swimming in the morning in the Copenhagen harbour again and that would make anybody tired.
Here are some pictures I took a couple of days ago when I had brought my phone.
Looking south west. The construction in the front is made to catch the waves from the bus ferry wake.
The actual wooden contruction. The lane is 75m and I swim 600m for now. I used to swim 900 each day, but I am taking it slow. I need to be able to do other things also :) The flag means that the lifesavers are there. i thin kthey choose the colours from Baywatch. Sometimes after heavy rain the water gets polluted by sewer overspill and then the flag is red, Then I bike to the beach instead, but this facility is very practical and you don't get sand on your feet.
The bus-ferry and the wooden bathing site, seen from Long Bridge which I bike over to get there.
So what is happening in the wizard's tower?? Well, I have actually been making comics again, working on the Phill manuscript was very slow so I started doing some pages for another project that I will reveal when I have agreed with the people I am making it with (a very crazy, wild, pornographic comic where I have been writing the manuscript and are cooperating on the drawings). And then I also made a couple of Dark Katharsisdrill comic pages that I will publish in the coming time.
I hope you are all well out there!

So happy to see you back @katharsisdrill I've been so busy too. Though, I'm trying to make some new things and not pay attention to my own Countries continued lock down. Luckily, though, my state is now one of the very few in my country that is going down rapidly in cases whilst the other states rise. Perhaps it is the good strong salt air and the curmudgeonly New England Spirit borne out of the Old die-hard Puritans, who can say.
USA is banned from most countries now and so with no real possibility to see lovely Europe or England again, one hunkers down and makes the best of what one has.
Congratulations on your daughter and well done you on your daily swims.
Yes, everybody must stay put these days. I did think of you when I saw the little green corner in the North East. The rest was red and orange.
Those swims make me completely exhausted which in turn makes my body and my mind synchronize. Not sure how to find back to a bit more peace of mind - I do have chilis and tomatoes on our balcony, so gardening therapy is activated... Maybe peace is just not happening anywhere right now.
At least it is a joy to see the joy of getting that student cap.
Great to hear Coppercoins finally reached you! That was a long delivery. Your harbor looks nice. Swimming is such a nice healthy way to break from the world. Personally I've had a hard to keep the positive & creative mojo juices flowing durning the last few month of paralyzing anxieties and chaos. Looking forward to the Dark Katharsisdrill. Cheers!
Yes, finally. Now my printed comics will soon arrive and I will have to pray that the postal services behave.
Since February, my mood has been bleak and hesitant. I am slowly pulling myself up from the corona hole. The infection is almost gone here. 17 hospitalised down from 5-600 in march, but we'll see how we can handle it in the long run. I will see if I can put some of that into the Dark Katharsisdrill room. The comic I have made is more hilarious than dark (but nsfw :)
Cheers, mate.
Will you be selling your printed new comic or pdf online? I think I missed your campaign drive.
Shit, I have a package lost in local post offices and I can't go in to retrieve it on the account of corona-vill. It's scary business and it feels claustrophobic at times... searching for outlets, normalcy, routine. But your numbers sounds to be going down well. Here in the states, with the orange faced narcissistic lunatic, and a few weeks of riots, buildings burning, and holiday celebrations, the virus is spiking, and it's hard to know what will be normal any more, but at least it's sunny and 90 degrees.
Be well friend, Cheers!
Yes, I plan to make a webshop and a download page for all the free art I made. It has been published on the Diaspora social media, but I thought it was about time I had the whole thing on a server that I controlled myself. I will ship the comics to the Kickstarter backers, go on holiday for a fortnight and then I will launch it more publicly in August when people are back from holiday.
I think the whole world is gasping in horror when looking at the development in the states, and I am worried about you all. This was the worst thing that could happen under the amateurish Trump administration, a catastrophe that affected all Americans.
All the best.
A Holiday sure sounds grand! Enjoy! Agreed, if things weren’t already bad under the amateur clown circus show...then this pandemic- worst reality tv show.
You ever hear of the programmer/writer Derek Sivers? I recently found his podcast very inspirational and motivating.
Nope, I never heard of Derek Sivers, but I will look him up. I often listen to podcast of audio books while drawing.
Welcome back katharsisdrill.
It's always good to take some time off and some other stuff, as long as you're healthy, then it's okay.
Can't wait to see what you've been working on.
Looks beautiful. I live somewhere with zero water bodies so I envy everyone who does. 🤷♀️
Good to have you back though!
I Always lived close to water, except maybe 6 month in Florence in Italy. They have a river :)
How lucky. The interesting part is, I don't swim. Actually, I house a phobia of being under water but I find them soothing in a way. Majestic too. ♡
When you live in a country that consist of islands the sea is there all the time. I feel very connected the sea really, so swimming is probably a part of that. I can understand the fear even though I do not really feel it myself. In Denmark we grew up with warnings like: "Only a fool do not fear the sea," and it is in many cases a hostile environment to humans.
I think in all of nature, water is the most powerful element. And for that, I wisely choose to respect it like the mortal dust I am :D
Yes, I think so too. Thales from Miletus had the idea that water was the primal element, the arche, and I always aggreed with him.
Good to hear from you. These are strange times, but staying healthy (in mind and body) is vital. I have been using our own small pool for swimming when I can, but it's less tempting on the colder days.
I got the Copper Coins comic too, along with a bonus book from the guys. A nice addition to my collection.
As soon as I am in the water is not bad. It has been a bit colder these last days though. The lifesavers measured it to 16°C the other day, but is has been warmer before that.
Yes i love having it on paper. I am waiting for the Phill books to arrive so I am pretty nervous/exited...
All times are right for pornography :)
indeed. I have made all to little of that :) I have decided to do some more Dark Katharsisdrill works to see where it leads.
Good to see you back, with the number of people powering down and leaving I am getting concerned about this place. Rather you than me in that freezing harbour, I thought it was the open waters you swam in, not that 'swimming pool' part.
Good to be back. I haven't followed the numbers for a while, but if you are concerned I am too. It is not really a swimming pool, just a floating construction without a bottom so there are both jellyfish and current. When you swim one direction you feel strong and fast, when you swim the other direction you feel old and broken. Hard to explain water temperatures to people from Texas or Africa, but I know you know exactly how it is :)
I also go to Svanemøllen Beach to swim sometimes, it is just easier with the wooden lane in the harbour and the water is the same.
It's been years since I swam in the North Sea, I was a teenager last time, rather you than me! Jellyfish are horrible nasty things, I have been stung before.
I think I have inherited that boy scout gene from my grandmother. She loved swimming in cold water, crime novels and football (watching it not playing it).
The jellyfish that are there now are the harmless ones, but the year before I was stung pretty badly in the face by one of the red ones. We call them firemen and they are most common late in the season when the water gets colder... but that boy scout gene makes me swim even then.