Interestingly, there was an experiment done a while back which concluded that, even though people seem to hate spoilers, on average people for which a story has been "spoiled" seem to actually enjoy that story even more.
Here's an article on it. They recklessly throw some (somewhat stale) spoilers in there just to make a point... so, watch out for that, I guess, if you are the type of person who gets angry if you are spoiled for something that is several years old.
I tend to split story-spoilers into three groups:
- The Oblivious: the possiblity simply never occurs to these people that someone else did not see the same movie they did on the premier weekend.
- The Malicious: these are the "trolls." They just want to see people squirm. I suppose we are not such different people, because incidentally, I wouldn't mind seeing these people squirm for one reason or another.
- The Marketing Team: seriously! Movie trailers are getting ridiculous. By the time I have seen the 6th different trailer for the movie, there are fewer "big moments" that I haven't already seen. I avoid them like the plague. Same goes for reviews.
I agree, trailers give FAR too much away lately. Luckily Marvel has been doing somewhat well on that front though