
Been there and done that!

like every married man :D

This reminds me of my dad !
When he go for shopping with my mom is stands like a dummy over there. Lol

The top bloke was me, do I get some sort of fee? ;)

LOL. Yup that's about right. Old guys with the khaki shorts and hairy legs...and women trying to fit what they can't get it. lol

very nice. you do the same thing i do at the mall, draw people.

I had to spend my time somehow :D

I think we all have seen this and it's touching all of our souls in some way.

Oh but to be honest, it can be a joy too ;) I've found some really nice shirts when I've been shopping with the girls. They know all the best shops :)

So kind of you seeing the positive side! :D

It's funny because it's true.

Damn this is sooo accurate :D

Lol this is awesome! Upvoted!

It's always the same :D

Domenica (di saldi) al centro commerciale? Brutta storia! 😂

sorry english-speakers friends, it's the first time I see a fellow countryman on Steemit and I'm like this

c'è una piccola comunità di italiani. :)

Bene! Speriamo di essere soltanto i "pionieri" di qualcosa di ben più grande! :)