Seer: Round One - page #21 - an original comic

in #comics7 years ago

by @bryan-imhoff via @spottyproduction


art & writing by Bryan Imhoff
originally published in Seer: Round One

Read Seer: "Perceptions" here

Page: 1 2 3 4 5

Read Seer: "Round One" here

Cover Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

The prefight preparations complete, James is focused on the task at hand, ready to "go to work." It's a welcome respite from the dark specters that have been haunting him.

Seer continues to release a page from the archives every Friday. This process will take us into early 2018 at which point the possibilities for new material will be evaluated!

This is the first time this story has been available online in a number of years. If you like what you see, please support Seer and @spottyproduction to facilitate the production of future issues!

Spotty Production is proud to re-release it's earliest tale, Seer. You can read about it's history and plans moving forward in this announcement post. "Round One" is a full length first issue, following on the five page introductory story "Perceptions." With "Round One" Bryan Imhoff took over both writing and artwork on the tale.

* Read new installments of Seer by following @spottyproduction
*Visit the home of Seer at
* Follow @bryan-imhoff for more by this creator
* Vote, Follow, and Share to let us know you'd like to see more!


That's very poetic. I'm enjoying the comic series

I agree. A great page, both the captions and the layout.

Thanks guys I appreciate it! I'm nearly out of completed material to post, but you all encourage me to do more. I really want to work on Seer, Appetite for Distraction, and I Thought It Would Be Zombies...", damn my creative ADD! Here's hoping Steem moons enough that I can hire some creative help and take some time off the day job!

I was out of completed material a long time ago :) with all the illness I have had it has been quite hard to get going, and I know the burden all such projects put on your head. Strange really as they are a pleasure to make!