Climate skeptics engage in more eco-friendly behavior

in #commentary7 years ago

than climate alarmists

This is my shocked face.

ONE of Al Gore's houses.
(he has many)

a climate alarmist toy

not words.
Lookit what they do.


They preach one thing they do the opposite. It is the same with atomic bomb. Do not produce any atomic weapons but majority of them clamouring for the prohibition of atomic weapons are still producing it.

it would appear to be a bit insane?

it would appear to be a bit insane?

And the award for the most understated sentence on steemit in the last 24 hours, goes to....

Everittdmickey! yaaaaaaaaay!

No surprises there

But they sure feel good when they gather at Starbucks after the "green" march, admire their Subarus and create more garbage for the landfill.

and consume all that sugar...

  • The cultivation and processing of sugar produce environmental impacts through the loss of natural habitats, intensive use of water, heavy use of agro-chemicals, discharge and runoff of polluted effluent and air pollution.

My own sugar consumption lands me square in those crosshairs. Although, organic raw honey is rapidly replacing sugar for me. It is the best allergy medicine I have found. Processed food is where my guilt lies.

shame on you.
never complain about plastic bags again.

I use them all the time. I like the dirty looks I get from people who bring their own bags. -:)

A classic example of "do as I say, not as I do".

environmental problem day by day very critical .we are safe tree and do tree plantations.air problem day by day is very dangerous .we are active environment .