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RE: ⚡️Comment Challenge Update⚡️ & Lessons Learned 😌

in #commentchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Nothing beats overwhelming support, right? I'm at 55 comments now, and I'm on my third day. It has really been an eye-opening exercise. I'm not sure I could keep up this rate, though.

I tried to break up the commenting I did as usual:

  • 1/3 on my favorite dozen or so accounts,
  • 1/3 on random followers I already have but don't usually interact with,
  • and 1/3 on new people found in other people's comment sections or on SteemFollower.

I've found some pretty cool content and people, I've earned some author rewards from commenting, and I've increased my follower count. More than just a stat boost, I think gaining followers from personal interaction leads to more engagement with that person down the line.

I'm not in it for the SBD though, I just wanted to push myself to do 20 comments per day.


That's awesome!

Look at you being all organized. 😎
I like that in people.

I'm so glad it's been a great experience for you!

I'm not so worried about eventually paying out everyone, more that I feel I wasn't responsible when starting the contest. I should have been more prepared and able to follow through with my promise. I let myself down, although I've come to terms with just not being perfect. 😏