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RE: Announcing the Delegation Committee

in #committee6 years ago

I don't owe you shit fucktard. Trying to gas light me.. use the few brain cells you have in your dumbed down head and figure it out.. and go fuck yourself with your narc gas lighting strawman bullshit..

fuckin fucktard


Literally what? I asked a question, its not gas lighting, I asked a simple question.

And who said I owed you anything? What?

I don't answer to stinc ball washing cucks. Suck it fucker.

Do you think i work for steemit inc or something? Seriously, how do you expect to be respected when your just unilaterally attacking me for no reason?

WHat did I actually do to make you so mad?

Ae you really this angry that I used my voice and my right to make a comment about steemit on the steem blockchain? Are you mad that I HAVE AN OPINION that things are improving? Thats what this feels like... I see no other reason why your so hostile towards me other than you being MAD at me for having an opinion different from yours.....

Do you not know how many BOLD anti steemit inc comments and posts I have made?

I got a post on trending about how I had to delegate 2 SP to @elipowell just to allow hr to use her steem account, very embarrassing for communication director.. did you not see that? Ive humiliated them before, maybeyoure not aware of that.

But When they start trying new things, and I start to see improvements, i cant express that and give credit where credit is due without being attacked by you? why cant we give it a chance especially when we see great progress? Just because YOu dont recognize it as progress, you think its necessary to go around like a psychopath in a jealous fit?

you have no idea what side your even on or what side im on... you just seem to want to wanna make enemies with everyone... WHy?

WHAT did I DO to you???

Honestly, this is supposed to be a place where I can freely express myself but your basically just going around showing people that if you have THOUGHT crime , youll be attacked.. just for saying something YOU disagree with

weird flex but ok

steemconnect 2.0 SP delegation to @elipowell.Hi @ackza! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:

I will respond to you later when I feel like it. If I feel like it. Right now taking a piss takes priority over you.

Cheers Neoxian (your name sounds like zit medication)
