einfach zurrück lehnen. Es wird bald richtig dumme Gesichter geben :)
PS. people here dont get the point of what they call "decentralization". Centralization brings efficiency but introduces fragility to a system: a brain is highly efficient but a small aneurysm can destroy the integrity of the system and kill the organism within a few seconds. Centralization only works when its generated by an evolutionary algorithm. When you force an entity into a centralized role (like in a "Putsch") the system dies shortly after. This is why dictatorships fail.
A dPOS System or a DAO can only exist in a decentralized fashion ... by definition. You either can have a heavy centralized and efficient but fragile system or you have a maximum redundant DAO which is by design platform grade censorship-resistant and tamper-resistant but really resilient and inefficient OR you have BULLSHIT
Crypto-illiteracy and stupidity. PPS. we should shut the fuck up we are not business-minded and dumb kids :3
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