It happens so many times in life that the way we think is a true reflection of who we truly are, most people are so fund of hiding their true character due to what they are about to gain from a person or a business firm. the truth here is that i see no reasons why a person should change his true quality because of other people's opinion and what he or she is about to gain.
Life sometimes is filled with so many ups and down... and all these things are all the laws of living because they are made to happen and programmed like a computer codes to pass through so many processes and come to pass at that exact time which it was programmed to be and to do what it is rightly directed to do.
No man is an highland of knowledge neither the wiser among men, for me i do see everyone as one because all human’s had in them blood, blood vessels and vein that carries the blood straight to where they are ought to be.
For me i do sometimes think that the reason why most people have such kind of orientation in their empty skull is because of the little achievement that they have struggled to gain and sometimes because of their pass experiences that they have so far managed to gathered throughout their time of living not knowing that change is the only constant thing and experiences are meant to be experienced and the knowledge of it are meant to be thought with wisdom to do to the younger generation born and yet unborn.
well i believe that every reasonable person under my documented section of giving common sense to the younger generation of our great country that the masses still suffer to have their three square meals a day not even two, that such kind of orientation that i have documented before are not the right way of living because time is one thing that no man can beat and death is a sure battle that no man can ever win.
what am saying in excess is that, if you are a man living with such kind of stupid orientation like am a God of my world, am this! and that! and for that reason you find yourself making wrong decisions about others like you are the God and ruler above them because of your achievement and height in life you should change and do the right thing because everyone living on this planet earth has a life cycle that he/she most have to complete. Whereby he/she most have to pass through the appropriate stage to get to his/her final destination.
The reason why you need to change such kind of behaviour is because there is nothing a man had pass through that is a new thing on the surface of the earth. life is a continue process and doesn't have an ending. The only time that we are sure of getting an ending to this world is through death but we all know that death isn't the final destination for human.
- “God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble”
- “Noises are made by fools while actions are taken by the wise with a great passion of accomplishment mixed with
hard work and patience” - “The wiser you get begot the more silence times you keep”
- “A foolish man can sometime be mistaken as being wise when he had discipline himself to do the right thing at the
right time” - “If you find a man which is idol say to him your dooms days awaits you while not make hail and make haste towards
your vision and mission in life with determination while the time is right and I bet you that, he will know the right
thing to do”
Big Question
Some are planters others are harvesters while many are reapers which of them are you or are you a lazy type waiting to steal from others?
A mans true character, worth and self esteem is limited by poverty. poverty is a darkness while wisdom is the light and money is the motivating power that can be use to gain anything worth gaining on this earth.
Poor people are at that position that they found their selves today not because they didn't plan when others where busy planning but was because they never took warning to the alarming times which they had. but either they just took it for granted saying "that it was normal, but they forgot that all normal things are not as normal as we take them to be. even sometimes the things which we thought are abnormal are the once easier to achieve while the normal just had a change of song.
common sense is a flower that doesn't grow at everyone garden
common sense are so rare this days that it should be considered as a super power