Recycling art is super refreshing to me. It is a truly wonderful thing to go through the process of turning "trash" to treasure. Sometimes the loop goes around really quick. I was in a couple ceramics classes at university a few years ago, and enjoyed taking a back door into the studio. By the back door were two large dumpsters. I don't know how many cool mugs and weird sculptures I saw in there. Woodcuts, half painted canvasses, notebooks with poetry. Art building dumpsters! I never really took anything, maybe some bagels here or there; I just liked to look at pieces sometimes. I thought of it as the rats' art gallery.
It will never cease to amaze me how meaningful, and how impermanent everything is.
Recently I found an image I drew up for the front cover of a zine I was starting to make a long time ago.
Whatcha think? Should I revive it as a steemzine?
Originally "ILAH" was to be a collection point and amplifier for voices that normally wouldn't get a chance. Street poetry, travelers, queerstory, working class folk, witches, etc. I am happy to say that in true magical form, since I wished for that to come to be, although I tabled this project, I have seen other amazing representations of these exact ideas. Even now I and my partner are working on essentially a similar and reiterative concept more on that soon! search for "Unkettled" if you are curious
This got me thinking about the whole process of upcycling materials in gardening and homesteading, or really applicable in any aspect of life . . . . . so also with ideas.
I am mining a vein of intense artistic history right now and I really don't know what to do with it, but it begs to be remixed. And with the advent of blockchain technology morphing some digital topography out here, I had another idea.
Why not see who's interested in different types of art, and curate a personalized upcycled gallery right here?
Think of it like a choose-your-own-adventure mixed with like . . . crowdfunding? Only it's essentially micro-crowd-funding. Anyway, I'm thinking this could be a little experiment to see how viable this idea would be to then cycle it on up to a larger scale. Incidentally, I'm totally going to write a choose-your-own-adventure on steemit now too.
Please let me know what you think! And if you drop by and these things interest you too, or if you know of folks already doing similar things (I like learning for meta-metta ;) ) please drop some phat links on this thread.
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