From my last article:
In the next few articles I would like to address specific outcomes of poor communication, such as listening and conflict.
I define communication in two parts:
Communication is the simultaneous and therefore disorderly transfer of verbal or non-verbal messages, words or ideas between two or more persons in such a way that the person sending the message ensures that the one receiving it, receives, understands and interprets the message the way the sender intended it.
The Communicator
A Communicator is one who when talking takes 100% responsibility for ensuring that the listener understands, and conversely when listening take 100% responsibility for understanding the speaker by asking questions if necessary.
Can you see that if we apply the definition of a communicator to ourselves there can be little to no blame for misunderstanding.
On the lookout.
I cant wait to share with you about listening in my next article - the KEY to improved communication skills.
TIP for improving your communication.
Start to take responsibility for communicating openly, honestly and sensitively.
Why I always follow up a discussion with an email or a message, starting with " From our conversation, I understand..........."
That's great Al. Clarifying communication is essential for understanding each other. Even in one to one type communication I often use ; "So if I understand you correctly, this is what I am hearing........" and so on.
I learned, sadly, that my communication with my eldest son did not achieve its aim. He got to an age where all the values I tried to teach was rejected flat out as he partook of the things of this world. A dad was left to simple "be there" and offer support when needed.
Heh Junior that is sad and how painful for a parent. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how we look at it, our children have their agency. In your case it is so difficult to watch them walk a path we know will do them little good from an eternal perspective, however we consistently communicate love through our actions and words.