
Put your tinfoil hat back on.
You have been around for over 2 years and you don't even know the basics of how this blockchain works.
Neither you understand how Hivewatchers work is being done (or maliciously refuse to understand so you can troll them).
Also you have been banned from reporting abuse long time as you were unable to do the most basic abuse investigation. My 20 y/o niece got how to do it after about 10 minutes of explanation.

I really don't understand all this rage to someone how is just approaching to this world.
I made a stupid mistake trying to correct the first post by making another one, because I didn't know that I could edit it and that repost the same content it's not the solution.

If that's the way you welcome someone to this community, it could have been better not to come in.

 5 years ago (edited) 

What rage?
Could you please quote the part of the comment that indicates this rage?
Or you are just making it up?

As far as I see, Hivewatchers comment is correct. It is basic, informatory comment and has no emotional connotation.

You should probably stop listening to phage93's idiotic accusations. He has proven not to be the wittest person around the community.

You don't have to tell me what to do or who I should follow.
That's it.
So don't continue to cause unnecessary arguments offending others instead of proposing a solution.

@valibond tranquilla é normale fare piccoli errori all'inizio, purtroppo qui c'è qualcuno a cui piace fare il giustiziere a quanto pare... continua a scrivere, guarda avanti e passa!

What are you talking about? Who told you and where that you have to do something?

You have made up accusation about "rage" so I asked you to quote part of Hivewatchers comment that indicates any rage.

Now you have insinuated that someone is telling what to do. So, also please quote in which part of my comment I ordered you to do something.

Are you having some emotional problems? Because it seems that you are using Psychological Projection and the only person raging here is you.

If you are unable to quote the part of comment that indicates rage then I conclude that you are lying and you have made is up (quite possibly due to some emotional "issues" that you cannot control).

You went babycrying and whinging to acid to downvote the comment? Considering how emotionally unstable you are and this valibond, you three well fit together.

Btw, have you done an IQ test that I have mentioned?

you're just a bully jester