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RE: My problem with Communism

in #communism8 years ago

Fuck that, I'll be the first to call someone a retarded monkey if they act like one. That doesn't mean I'm not a cool guy, I really am, but I find the term retarded monkey when applied to "read this book" and "free stuff" very very very very entertaining.

Where you at @freebornangel, are you not getting antsy without uttering your favorite phrase I picture mumbling in your sleep "CRAPitalism" and equating that to government and raping babies? I searched this entire freaking thread that this asshole over here took the time to address every single individual and all their concerns in full, and haven't seen your face, I hope the numerous tags bring you in here so we can duke it out once more, because nothing like "free stuff" and "crapitalism" rings closer to my heart!