It's not a punishment, they agreed not to respect the rights of others, by their act, and said by the golden rule this is what we want other to do onto us.
I didn't say "punishment" or implied vengeance or retribution.
Punishment is for me preventing the incident to happen again and resocialize the person in question. I don't want to condition criminal humans, I want to help them
That's a very sweet idea of punishment, you should do some mental experiments you idiot and validate it before you utter it again.
I don't want to condition criminal humans, I want to help them
You moron, you want to help them how, did they ask for your help! What if they want to simply make things right and ask for forgiveness, they will be punished regardless or else everyone just keeps making things right and asking for forgiveness.
Punishment is wrong you idiot because we agreed in the beginning it doesn't work. We agreed that forcing people to rehabilitate doesn't prevent or help prevent anything. It doesn't prevent stealing, it actually encourages a free ride behind some bars instead of starving on the street, yeah asshole, it's abused, internal, external, from every hole that would be exposed were you to examine the concept of PUNISHMENT, especially how you want to make it, you let the murderers go and be outside the law, to prevent them from killing again. You'd impression people to prevent them from stealing. You are a MORON. idiot. examine the concept, what is right about punishment you moron?
You want to help them, you decide what help is, when is help, much, what kind of after help, and help in between. Fuck you.
I never agreed on that. Who is this "we"?