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RE: My problem with Communism

in #communism8 years ago

I don't know that Jared or that AR.

You asked me to tell you a fascist idea, that I have done. So I don't know what I should try now.

And yes, normally people don't say that openly because they know they get handed the stick then from the more moral persons in the society.

But you can see that thinking in many different things. Sometimes it's even official.
For example, Germans are officially told to not go to Afghanistan is possible at all because of possible terror attacks.
At the same time refugees from Afghanistan are sent back because "there are save regions".

Both things cannot be true at the same time. You cannot even say that it is more dangerous for Germans in A. because they are targets - for the religious terrorists an Afghan that is not adhering to their rules is worse then a foreigner.

"Funnily" enough, a few weeks after the first Afghans were sent back, one of the first batch was killed by a terrorist attack in a "save" region. But it is ok, he was not the target, he was only passing by.


The problem with political correctness is that it's not allowed to discuss facts. It's all about feelings. No one claims that your refugees are less worth than germans. But we point at rational arguments why your society will have big problems as a consequence of cultural differences, differences in IQ, differences in religious/moral beliefs etc. Now I suppose your "racist" alarm went off the second you read the word "IQ difference". You don't believe in that. And even if you did, you would never accept that it's a problem. AND you can't accept that I'm not a racist for pointing that out - even if I will tell you right now that the definition of racism is "believing that one race is more WORTH than another". So it must be YOU who measure worth in IQ levels or culture or religion - not me. And at the same time, I suppose "race" doesn't even exist? So how can anyone be racist at all? What I'm trying to point out here is all the cognitive dissonance on the political correct spectrum. You refuse to touch reality, therefore we can't have a rational discussion. By the way , I've been in discussions with ALOT of your so called "racists" and "white supremacists" Funny enough, I've never heard them say that anyone are less worth as humans. However , they believe whites ALSO, like any other race, has a right to PRESERVE their OWN culture. We embrace the fact that blacks are "strong and proud blacks"..try changing the word black with white. "We are strong and proud whites" RACIST!!!! can let go of Hitler. We don't blame YOU personally for what Hitler did. No one should blame white americans for what slave owners in a brutal day and age did. Why aren't we praising the fact that hundres of thousands of white americans fought and died to end slavery? While the Arabs who enslaved a hell of a lot more people throughout the last milliennia than whites, got a free pass. Why is that? Because they have NEVER apologized. White people apologized and tried desperately to make the world a better place, while at the same time everyone pointing the finger at them. When you admit your wrong doings, it's easy for others to attack you and blame you.

And at the same time, I suppose "race" doesn't even exist? So how can anyone be racist at all?

That is such a dumb argument I don't even now how to answer.
Let's try it this way: There are no racist. So everyone who says that is a racist. Simple enough?

"IQ difference". You don't believe in that.

Not arguments, and see how you leftists always have to try to shame people or ridicule calling others ugly words? Now, I took away your incentive to call me "racists". That would have made you look stupid after my arguments. Then you decided to call my arguments "dumb" instead. You say you scored 117-122. That's pretty accurate. You did not score 75 or 160 did you? No matter how hard you tried. There are minimal differences between 117-122. IQ is THE single best measurement for behaviour, crime statistics, socioeconomic status etc. There are no better. "Scientists" in soft-sciences try to make these ridiculous explanation models so they don't offend anyone. But they make no sense. You say you're just a fast reader, and you've managed that by reading a lot. So why don't we just give people with an IQ of 70 more books!? Genious! Why haven't someone thought about that! Then they'd become master readers, and then be lifted out of poverty.

I see you didn't understand my post. I am sorry and will try to make my next ones better.

It's best to not even try to seriously discuss with those people.
Some people aren't reasoned with through words :)