
Actually, can you tell me what the benefit and/or problems would be with switching to brave? I have heard of it but still currently use chrome.

Peakd's stats don't work with brave shields up.
Brave blocks ads and pays you to look at their ads.
You can choose what scripts are allowed to load in the browser.
It blocks tracking cookies and javascript.
This all ads up to better privacy, and small amounts of BAT, their token.

Thanks. I think I will stick with chrome then. I tend not to trust things that say they're about protecting your privacy. I am sure most of the VPN's are just there to capture people's information while they are specifically doing the things they do not want others to see them doing. I have trust issues, with people at least. Lol. I appreciate the response though, and am using peaked now.

It's open source.
The guy that invented javascript created it.
You may be right.
We can be certain that chrome won't be keeping any secrets.

The way I see it, if I ever do anything truly valuable for the world, which I certainly intend to, someone will dig up all my skeletons and use them against me regardless of how well I tried to hide them. And as long as by the time that happens, I am the best version of myself I've ever been, then anyone who wants to judge me for my past rather than see my mistakes as the reason for me evolving in the right direction, can fuck off anyway.

Nothing is private on the interwebz.
I agree with you on the vpn's.

Thank you, I just had a look and the UI looks really good. I will likely start using that.