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RE: Navigating Anxieties in Rediscovering Hive

in #communities7 months ago

I don't think that writing needs to be Joyce to be quality. I just think that it needs to be authentic and of interest to be be worth the effort. And as all insights could be of interest to somebody then who can judge if a post is quality or not?

My partner would be an anxious person as well and as one of those people who don't take life too seriously i can often find it hard to relate but i have gotten better over time. I find that most of it stems from trying to compare herself to others and their accomplishments and what other think of her.

But none of it matter really. You have to write for your own love of writing. Hive has changed a lot over the years but learning it's intricacies is one of the fun parts of being in the community.

There are lots of ways to join now but plenty of knowledge between all of us to figure it out. Just ask the questions and we'll do our best to help find out the answers.


It's not a need for quality that blocks me, it's the repeated relearning that demotivates me. It happens like this: I have this idea, something that might be received well here and might even formulate into a business idea if it is, then I consider logging in to get some feedback & either I get blocked by that demotivation or I get blocked by a new process or update or culture change that later demotivates me when coming back again.

Hive has changed a lot over the years but learning it's intricacies is one of the fun parts of being in the community.

I wish I still felt the same, but this is where I feel there is too much effort to re-engage. My anxiety seems to stem from the inability to be both in and out. Like if I get involved & invest my time, then I can't come and go as I please without losing some of what I accomplished from my last visit - because whatever I learned has potentially been updated or the tools I used look different, etc. If I had the freedom to stay involved consistently, I might still enjoy the rapid changes in the environment and challenge to adjust and adapt, but it's been a long time since I've felt in a position to do that, and I don't think I ever want to be back in that position either, since that would mean less of a life outside of Hive.

I do have to say I'm extremely impressed by many of the app builders efforts to include educational material in their onboarding components. I just wonder if the dust will ever settle so that it's easy to come & go without having to be immersed in order to feel included. I'm aware that my mind is making the issue bigger than it is. Hence the procrastination.

This is something I probably just have to get over, but I also believe I can't be alone with this problem, and if I solve it for myself alone, then the problem isn't really solved, because I think growth and ease of entry, (revolving door) exit & re-entry are important for the success & growth of the network.

👀 See I've no idea what I just commanded but glad to hear it failed