I guess you can wondering how to find a niche for your articles and what to write about on Steemit
I will give you 3 advises for making your probable choices more narrow.
1. Write posts about all of your interests and check which one or few would get more attention.
I mean a sincere attention but not a fake minnowsupport, randowhales and other paid bots trails. You need to check how many humans upvoted and commented your posts.You should understand - as a result, you can select only one subject and then concentrate on, you can select few or all your interests, because who now - maybe your interests would start to work for you in the future
2. Don't fake your interests
I can see a lot of posts in which authors try to write about subjects which are not interested for them. I advise "don't do this", because it's noticeable and your commentators will make you boring.
3. Instead of writing about existed interests, find a new interest for you and write about.
a)Open Steemit tags and sort them by quantity posts.
b)Then divide Quantity post by Payout to get an average per post for the tag.
c)Find the more profitable tags for your possible interest and make a research if you really would like this subject.
d)Start to research the subject and write a post about. You even could write a post why do you think this subject might be interesting for you
gif source
Experiment, try something new, leave your comfort zone and you will find your passion on Steemit

As a newbie I still find a bit difficult what to write about. But this article is very helpful for me. Thank you for that.
The Steemit Tags I didn't really understand it but now I do after opening the tag page :D
Also, I use tag page when I need to find a right one - not just stupid Travel but to find something around less popular but interesting
This is just really helpful for me. And much easier to navigate also here on Steemit for me. And it's nice to know that you don't need to know everything here. Sometimes a bit overwhelming overhere when I sit behind my laptop....but I know it will get much better in time :)
Again thank you so much!
You're welcome!
I'm glad to hear it's useful not only for me
Good approach @allfabeta... Above all "stay true to yourself."
thank you!
I know it's your subject but I decided to try something new for me
As a person just starting out, that search for a niche seems somewhat overwhelming. Trying to write what is in your head and hope people will like it can seem overwhelming. Trying by trial and error though.
Animals and music.... Maybe a video of me singing to animals??? 😉
maybe research how music imply to animals? or if animals could sing?
Good luck!
Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)
So useful to hear about this from a steemitian who's making dough. I have been wondering about this - should I focus on stuff that seems to get the upvotes, or write about stuff I like. I am going to focus on writing about stuff I like. Thanks!
If you would allow me, I would give you advice
. If you would focus on thing which gives upvotes you would win in the nearest future.
If you would write about your passion, you would find people which love the same and think the same, and you would grow as a part of your passion community.
As s result you would do that you like with people who you like and it will benefit you more in the future.
so writing about a passion will benefit you better in a long term
Thank you so much for this advice!! It's always a constant battle isn't it, with the long term, vs. the short term. But I would rather have a long term following with passion, as you described, than short term with upvotes. Thank you!
but anyway you are not limited to only one theme. You can move with both, and add few more late.
Maybe you can also create a combination from both. Try, check results, improve and check results again.
I'm wondering about your nick. Does it mean something?
Boom Shikha? It's just a nickname, like a bomb.. :) In a good way.
I like it :)
Thank you this post is very useful for a newbie in steemit like me , i try hard by doing all my best to success in steemit
Some good advice.
Great post @allfabeta I have a hard enough time figuring out what my niche is in life let alone here, If I figure it out I'll be sure to write about it LOL
Good luck!
nice and lifely post
Seriously, you explain exactly what my plan was....
Planning to write on Education because that is my area...
Thanks for the encouraging statement. @allfabeta God bless you
thank you!
Thanks. That is a great tip to divide the payout by posts to find the higher value tags.
Thank you!
Good post. I just was writing a comment about trying to find my niche, since I have disparate interests.
Upvoted and resteemed.
Thank you!
Thanks for the tips, this will help a lot. Im still learning a ton about Steemit.
you're welcome
nice post
followed , upvoted are done
do the same with my post please
Thank you!