thanks so much for reading and the resteem @whatamidoing - I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on "evil". I tried to touch on that a tiny bit near the beginning but didn't say it as well as that! lol I like that frame metaphor.
I hope to see it in the real world! I mean of course I've seen acts of kindness and people helping people but no where near a village of people helping each other succeed (except the mob.. LOL which is still pretty prevalent here oh, and obviously these standardized conglomerations like the military bases, upper-class society) okay - so no all encompassing, varying socioeconomic groups getting together for the good of all and also the good of their planet ... LOL...but I'd love to eventually do a research project on some of these real life villages/compounds to see how efficiently they operate and how the people make it work! Then maybe more people would realize it can be done.
this turned into a super long response, but really - thank you for taking the time to read/comment I appreciate it very much :-)
The thing about the really strong communities is, they don't appear for research projects. They don't do what they do to convince others to do the same, they just ARE. You can't really appeal to others to adopt it, you can only show them how good it feels by inviting them right into it in whatever way you can. Potlucks are a really simple way that isn't that foreign to many people. Art nights are nice. But it WHO forms the base culture of these events and their relationship to each other is important.
I used to want to do the same until I realized some things need to be felt more than understood.
I would love to chat with you, do you discord? I see you in our chat but I don't think i've ever seen you active.
Yeah, I see what you mean - the base of who starts it will need to be the linch pin sort of and have the right characteristics to appeal to quite a few people.. it's a learning process for me, just know I want to help in some way but not sure exactly how lol
I agree with you about the feeling it over understanding it issue, which causes many roadblocks because changing how someone feels from a programmed state of separation and scarcity plus add in socioeconomic biases and we're back to the drawing board LOL
I have been over there a few times, general chatrooms give me anxiety when I'm new lol it's like middle school lunch all over again and I hide in the background.. I will break the ice and say hello though :) I'd definitely like to chat with you too!