Your systematic approach to answering questions is absolutely impressive. You always amuse me with your logical analogy of a given subject. Thank you for taking your time to read my (and other user's) comments and giving me (and the steem community at large) clear and illustrated answers; the examples are well fitting, and helps to drive home your point. I absolutely agree with your intellection.
Imagine steemit and blockchain break boundaries between generation and we are now able to learn from the past to create a better future.Correspondingly, the evolution of steemit as a social media is a milestone in this generation; making information withstand the test of time. In 20 years, your theories, expressions and the thoughts you shared on this community would still be valued.
Hence, leading to my next question. What can we, as an individual and members of this community do to make steemit a bank of not just crytocurrency, but of intellectual knowledge? In order words; What should we consider before making a post on steemit? So that we do not end up having regrets or shame when we see our posts in the future or our children pointing it out to us.
Asa J.