DISCUSSION: What is your opinion about the blend of technology and humanity? How do you believe communities and community bonds are formed? Leave a comment and be part of the dialogue!
regarding bots: difficult topic, are they necessarily bad? it would be helpful to see how many automated votes a post got. That would it make transparent to the community.
afaik steemit gives more rewards to replies than to votes for posts, and also looks at overall participation. Difficult to automate.
IMO it is difficult to fight bots or automation without damaging potential of a social media platform.
In other words we need to learn to deal with it...
steemit is also rather new and raw, content filtering and recommendation yet completely absent (good, no bubble).
technology is as such is increasing productivity and wealth and is basically good. but at the beginning of a new technology (like crypto) the market is very chaotic and is attracting a lot of different people with a diverse background... (especially if a lot of money can be made quickly).
That is a pattern. First there is anarchy and boundless creativity. Than people (the community) is asking for some rules. And finally state like structures and a culture is established.
It is a reliable pattern. And you can see it happen in here in real-time.
Yes, one of the things I try to remind myself here is that "Steemit is still in Beta." Even Google was in "Beta" for several years before that tag was removed. SO we can expect things to be a little rough around the edges for a while, until site use determines what needs to be adjusted and how.
My biggest convern with bots is that they will have too much influence, eventually rendering the site mostly a niche venue for developers/techies... which means it will have a very finite growth curve. To have broad public appeal, the human factor is extremely important. I spend a lot of time here because I enjoy the interaction and dialogue.