People quit downvoting people when exposed for their hypocrisy:
I hope @fulltimegeek won't be bothered by a sockpuppet account that claims I suck fulltimegeeks dick, good one @htoom, but it's ominous that he hasn't been on in 3 days, is that you htoom who I hear cheering "Flags drive people away", in the back?
I don't even know who the guy is, I assume he's a guy based on his profile pic, but I did see a few of his comments here and there and he is an active member and usually has something light hearted and funny to add on serious things, but I don't know the full scope of his character, just read some of his comments here and there and have to say that they are quality content, if he's gone definitely will be missed even though I didn't follow him but now I will.
youI don't even know who this guys @htoom is, but I have a nagging suspicion that based on his pattern of activity and his first comment being "MY community" it's likely that fyrstikken is behind that, regardless of the easy going american sounding guy that does the interviews. First, why so serious, the guy in the interview seems chill, laid back, easy going, odd for someone that derives some kind of justice and pleasure from flagging, and very odd for someone that engages in flag wars with 3 other accounts: @hebrew, @bcc, @btu (and possibly @uradick) over one instance/disagreement with @fulltimegeek, who appears didn't even seem slightly bothered by the flagwars... I cannot see one post where he cried like @seablue LOOK AT ME AND THE VICTIM I'VE BECOME, he's exemplerary in that aspect, regardless of htooms trying to play the victim by saying "fulltimegeek is not the victim*, and it's kinda hysterical in retrospective to consider that the person in that interview who people think is htoom, would resort to calling me a dick sucker for asking him why he flags fulltimegeek with 4 accounts, and then offer evidence showing that fulltimegeek wasn't bothered at all, while crying that "he started it". LOLOL. Granted now my comments/posts are mystified, courtesy of @hebrew and @btu, @bcc and @uradick, lol
Guess that means I shall take the victor's flag and profess: Put me on your shit list @htooms, 4 accounts ain't enough mystery/mystique and 5 will just make me tickle.
Anyway, I hope you're gonna be back @fulltimegeek, I don't think you left, but it will be nice to see you back so @htoom and his 4 other accounts can utilize their Voting Power for the sole purpose of driving you away, it's hilarious, the hysterical hypocrite has it's values.
I'm not going anywhere. This drama doesn't bother me at all nor do I want to get others involved. I'm glad you see what's going on here though. I believe what's happening is very healthy for the community because we now see how both sides act when flagged. We've also learned a thing or two about how these "different accounts" operate.
Just to be clear, I initially flagged htooms because of a low-quality post that he of course 100% upvoted himself. I am trying to discourage this behavior, especially with whales, because it strips the reward pool from the minnows.
I'm sure this will all be turned into a blessing somehow .
EDIT: I have upvoted this comment so it's not censored by a fraudster/troll.
I didn't mind the first flag. Shrugged it off.
You are an abusive whale.
You are upvoting yourself and have been since the start. Unbelievable.
Bernie does it too as soon as he receives a wave of flags. They all do. Yawn
Interesting. One rule for others and another for themselves.
Just had all my big posts wiped out by a whale today :(
No, I've not approached him. Do ask him next time you speak with him. I know you have a good relationship with him. I don't even know if it is him as I can't operate that steem blockchain explorer thing that you use for your detective work.
I did apologise to @ausbitbank but he has a bee in his bonnet all the time! Some kind of life experience has knocked him off kilter anyways! Do have a Bernie delve when you get a spare moment to do some detective work. Many thanks :)
I've never conversed with his character ever so how could that be the case? I have nothing personal against him at all! He's my Steemit MVP for Christ sake! This just seems so strange if it is him. A complete Steemit absurdity!!
Oh excellent! Thanks for the links :)
@fulltimegeek is a great friendly Steemian! For the life of me, I can't understand why he would be targeted?
Both fyrst and htooms are in steemspeak right now. Come on in and say hi.
I am under flagging attack by @ausbitbank today on nearly all my posts! NIGHTMARE!!
For fucks sake I haven't flagged you stop talking shit dickhead.
"Earth to @baah! Earth to @baah! I'm under attack!!"
Tomorrow I'm going to do a post on one of your long comments: 'To Solve The Whale DownVote Crisis Why Not Have A Curation System Tied To Reputation Instead?'. Wish me well :)