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RE: The Longest Lingering Toll Of The Pandemic

in #community4 years ago

Covid is a virus. I have seen no numbers for deaths from just the Covid Virus. Here are the numbers most frequently passed off as people dying because of Covid-19:
That is from the CDC web site:

Here is another picture from the CDC:
That is from this page hich was not easy to find:

That number is a little bit off for today's as it is from the 14th. The CDC has no single number for Covid-19 only deaths. The number of deaths include those that died from Pneumonia and also had the covid marker, and from the flu and had the covid marker. There is no single number for people that died from covid-19. One has to wonder why.

I have worn a mask for about 3 minutes in one business only since the mask wearing craze. I shop two or three times a week in stores that do not mandate a mask. So far I have only had one store deny me access because I refuse to wear a mask for health reasons.

I do believe Covid-19 is a virus, it is by no stretch of my imagination a pandemic. If mask help prevent the spread then there would be no more deaths in China or in most Asian counties as they are used to wearing mask, yet they are still dying from covid-19.

The so called spike in numbers I have to wonder how many of those recent test have been performed on people that recently received the seasonal flu shot. Have the numbers increased for those that did not get a flu shot? Why do people bother with a flu shot any more, after all if you look at the chart above the second from the end column only 6,813 people died from influenza this year so far.

I have to go with what I have encountered reality wise, not what the CDC or the WHO, or any other government funded fear mongering agenda driven group says.

No pandemic at all.
Covid-19 is a virus.

nice to see you back.


Hey, @bashadow.

Yeah. The cause of death deal has been misleading if not intentional deception from the beginning. I can see where it might be difficult to pinpoint exactly what caused a death if there are multiple issues. A person might die in a car accident, but the cause of death would be a heart attack or something like that.

It is interesting to note, though, that a vast majority of COVID-19 deaths have some number of underlying conditions. So, would have those folks died without the underlying issues? The answer could still be yes, but potentially to a far lesser degree, as evidenced by the relatively small number that may not have had any underlying conditions. As you say, though, that number can't be found. I'd have to go through all of Oregon's COVID-19 related deaths in their daily reports on the OHA website to figure that one out, and that would just be for one state in one country.

Regardless, the mortality rate in the U.S. would be far less if the underlying conditions were not present.

re: masks

The DanMask study that I refer to basically says that the infection rate with a mask, if worn properly is 1.8% vs. 2.1% if no mask is worn at all.

re: pandemic

They get to throw the term around because it exists in more than one country and because there is a fairly large number of total cases. However, I agree, it doesn't compare to the Black Death that wiped out 250 million people in Europe before it was through, mainly because living conditions and medical science are significantly more advanced from the Middle Ages. It would have to be far more virulent than it has been so far.