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RE: Happy Halloween !

in #community2 years ago

You know how to celebrate Halloween!

The haunted yard of years past sounds like a lot of fun. I rarely see those. I did see so many inflatable yard toys this year among the last several. They seem to be the new thing everyone is using, you can usually hear them whirring away with the fans keeping them all blown up. Lots of ghosts and grim reapers.

I was at a place one time where they did a feely section where you would put your hand into a dark box that was labelled candy but it wasn't candy. The owner would laugh as you recoiled your arm in fright.

They said it was BRAINS and then started laughing. The candy then flowed into your pillow sheet (that's what I always used).

Of course I asked what was that really?

Cold cooked spaghetti.


Your story made me laugh !

I have to say I have done some really good Halloweens in my time.

Even though back then, lots of folks displayed Jacks, mostly peering out from their front window so they stayed safe from pumpkin bashers, there was really only a few houses here and there that would add a little extra, some spider webs or a little of something else, but nothing like some folks are doing these days, putting out more decor that at Christmas time. To each their own of course, but I'm not so impressed with a lot of it. It is true that it seems the more inflatables, the better to some folks. I have also seen yards full of them.

I have read before the things you can do for "blind feelings" and peeling some grapes and saying they were eyeballs was one of the. I can only imagine it would have the right "feel" if you couldn't see what you were touching.

Grapes, of course that sounds familiar for eyeballs.

I'm with you on the inflatables. They were fun to see the first time but so many people have the same one house after house. The Christmas ones will be coming out of storage really soon. Thankfully I don't see too many of these. The last thing I associate with Christmas are inflatables haha.

I did see a new one. A huge snowglobe with a black cat in it and a ghost on top. The flailing fingers of the ghost make me chuckle.

Nice ! ha ha .... .I like the way the ghosts fingers flutter too.