A lot of Steemians are now cross-posting on multiple STEEM-like platforms. Whether they are unhappy with the current platform and are looking to migrate, maybe they’re hedging their bets because they don’t know which platforms will work best for them in the long run, or maybe they just want to expand their audience. It doesn’t really matter the reasons why – It’s happening. Individuals are spreading their wings, perhaps looking to greener pastures as is their right to do. But what about Communities? When it comes to Cross-Platform Communities I am left wondering how, or even IF, they could work.
I am involved in a couple of really good communities on STEEM and despite some of the problems I see on STEEM and my seemingly frequent grievances, I do love STEEM. I want STEEM to be successful. However, I do consider that the communities are actually bigger than STEEM. At the end of the day, the community members are the ones I have built relationships with and they are the ones that I care most about. If the STEEM platform was to fail tomorrow (touch wood), I wouldn’t want those communities to fail with it. Now that I’ve sprouted wings myself and perhaps have found some greener pastures with my cross-posts I want to be able to share my success. I want my communities to be able to sprout wings too…..but here is my dilemma.
I’m aware that many of my community members are invested in the STEEM platform in one way or another and it’s not just about their STEEM POWER. Many have built businesses, invested time or emotions and they have established followings. For many it’s “Home” and perhaps it will always be that way for better or worse. I’m concerned that if I start promoting another platform and try to morph my communities into Cross-Platform Communities I will be seen as someone who is trying to pull people away from STEEM. Yet, the last thing I want to be is divisive. If I end up causing division then my effort will be totally counter-productive. Instead of broadening my communities, helping them be even more successful and adding resilience to them, I risk making my communities divided and weaker. But controversy and member attitudes aside, that’s not the end of my dilemma.
Even if I was successful in extending my communities to another platform, how would the engagement work? There might be some cross-posting occurring, but are members going to have the same conversations on both platforms? Is there a point where some members might only engage on one platform and not the other? To me that seems like another risk of indirectly dividing the community. We all know how hard it can be to get engagement on STEEM, do we really want to risk making that harder? I’ve seen what can happen when a community innocently creates just a 2nd Discord server. It can leave members confused, jaded or even embittered. It can seriously impact on the critical mass needed to get some quality conversation and engagement happening. I don’t want to repeat that mistake.
So my question is – How could Cross-Platform Communities work? Maybe the risk is too great and they can’t really work. Maybe they can and there is a great idea that I’m missing. Maybe I’m just reading too much into this all and I shouldn’t care about being potentially divisive. What do you think? Are you a cross-platform poster? Do you see any value in Cross-Platform Communities? Please help me figure this out.
I have tried a few, I am staying here for now as this takes enough time and it feels like home! I just don't see how people find the time to multipost and comment everyware else.
I totally get it. I personally hate duplicating effort and am time-poor as it is.
I read this last night before bed it was ironic because I just had a convo along these lines with @thehive , based on the communities we run in discord which in this case is obviously steem centric, I do see a perfect valid case for similar platform crossing - eg steem,weku,whaleshares the tricky ones would be the vastly different bitlanders,pivot,lit,minds etc then again they tend to not have communities this does as I type this seem to feel like a uniquely "steem" situation.
My case would be that as a community we are supporting something, and that would be content creation base don that then you may pull in youtubers, instagram hoes (yes I don't know what instagram does). As a community we are there to learn from and grow together and whatever path provides an opportunity - mmm kinda like hoping you get splashes with some gold standing near midas but not wanting to be obvious about it - the community should explore that, especially in decentraland. Can't be decentraland if we are all bloody patriots.
Once they are in neutral space good ól pub vibes need to rule. With steem we obviously have smt coming and I am truly not sure how that looks but it and taking discord as the default when I mention community. It would be a clean transition people will split channels for the topic-specific ones some of the everything buckets might have there little things popup tweaking the system, but we will all still need to be aware of not closing ourselves off due to a false sense of loyalty. Some might prefer the rules of one over the other, you can have a whaletoken active right now even to cross reward % based to avoid hard values, I find if you can stick to the content and the support structure it might not matter where they post. Reward based sure it will get tricky but that will be the communities decision and obligation to decide on the best ways to further assist, get in early and a community can support future members it would be negligent for a community to not be first or early on any of the new platforms.
And it is ignorant to show blind loyalty to a single platform.
googling ignorant now :)
Howdy , I will add a piece to what Penderis has said. Pulling people away from Steemit. I see this as a good thing. if it looks like people are leaving Steemit cause there is better options out there, maybe Steem will pull their socks up.
I can see a conflict in the a community moving over if they are receiving delegations, If the delegatee has an opposition to another platform. In this you have to think for the community you want to represent. For myself, I do not mind which platform I am on. I am going to work to build up what I started. In doing this, it will not matter which platform I am on or how many, the combined resource will be used to reward all. I am looking to the end result and the benefit to those who have shown some support to the community.
Thanks for the comprehensive comment. I like the idea of decentraland (and that idea can include the platforms themselves) I'm just not sure how we get there :)
Honestly, I don't know how people find the time to manage other accounts. I don't even use my twitter and facebook accounts anymore.
For most people, I think the desires to be 'whales' drive them to other platforms. I also want to be a whale too. But there's too much work involved. And it seems like starting all over again.
I'll stick with Steem.
Steem to the moon
PS: what's your thoughts on weku
Dude, do yourself the favour and at least sign up to whaleshares, get your bts account sorted and use their masdac crossposting tool or if you prefer @partiko(steem only ) for the votes then that since they will have a token I think and really do good work anyway. Regardless of where you post, be sure to own your content, link it appropriately if you posted first on steem then link to the first post.
Whaleshares offers a crossposting tool called masdacs which will post to both steem and whaleshares. Looking at the platforms from a tool perspective is good obviously where you spend energy also matters in growth but should balance out anyway. Their pool is still small for now so the level on steem you are now can be achieved sooner and you need merely see it for it's potential. Still your content, post everywhere and since the game has changed that we actually get rewards then why not flip what you worked on for that bit extra whether it pans out or not?
You mean I can post at both platforms at once?
That's awesome. I simply have to install an app, right?
I tried signing up on whaleshares but I'm yet to get the mail. Any faster way?
ok sorry I may have confused with partiko but really not all that hard you can use the masdacs site which will post to both yes. They have changed the signup and it now requires your bitshares account key, I do think they made it a bit tricker but the 30sec video explains it nicely. I think it is worth the effort although I also needed a push.
When did you signup? the new way seems to be a bit more automated and you only wait for acceptance from the witnesses I think. The new system signup is a two part thing the first is the get an email, then they will ask you to describe your content and I think it is good to add your steem blog link their maybe then they will give you a key that needs to be encrypted by your bitshares wallet. Once that is done it is approval.
They have migrated all old ones over so go through it again if you have not used this new method yet. Tag me if you have issues maybe we can resolve them.
I tired singing up with the link and I'm told my email address had already been registered.
Is there anyway I can retrieve my password?
Unfortunately there is no recovery option, please try another email address. I did ask why not since it is just a generic signup at that point. For now you can use protonmail to get a secure email or just another gmail account. Sorry the more a person deals with these things I can see how it is a case of screw this I am done haha.
The reason I've not tried other platforms is that I think is struggle to find the time to balance too many things. I was also concerned about having to build up community from scratch again. I suppose expanding with your current community would help in that regard.
What you say about risking the splintering of community is an interesting point. I was recently reading a post of @freedompoint's about his goals for @ghscollective being an umbrella to bring all the homesteading and self sufficiency communities together, without taking over the niches and groups themselves. As I understand it, linking them as a meeting point so that crossovers can interact.
Posted using Partiko Android
Creating an umbrella that multiple communities could fit under is definitely an idea worth exploring. Thanks.
The only way it could truly work would be by some kind of bridging. When it doesn't even work out for simple chat services, I doubt it can work out for social network services.
I do remember when IRC split in two (EFNet + IRCNet) - as I've touched on earlier that was the beginning of the end of having one established chat network. People may be of different opinions, but I believe this was the turning point, causing people to choose commercial proprietary "silo" services. We did have real communities on IRC, very little of it is left, today I have at least 5 different chat applications on my telephone just to be able to keep one-to-one-communication with everyone (and I can hardly get in touch with my wife, as she prefers Skype, and I pretty much gave up on Skype at some point after Microsoft took over).
The network effect is truly powerful. If there exists other services out there that is truly better than Steem in all aspects, we should abandon Steem en-masse and opt for the best service out there - but otherwise it's paramount that we stick together.
Came to think of another example, Bitcoin. As for me, that's a failed, derailed project - it failed gaining mass adoption due to the schism between the "big blockers" and "small blockers" (and the capacity problems we faced due to the stalemate).
Thanks. A few things to think about here. Building a new community and bridging it may indeed be the way to go. Even cross-promotion in the early stages could be very divisive and I do respect the network effect. I'm trying to find a way to expand it, rather than split it and your comments have definitely helped clarify my thinking, thanks.
Heya buggs!
...food for thought for sure. I have not looked into/signed-up/cross-registered/added “partiko” to each and every post, nor do i think i care to...
I absolutely agree that anyone should choose the best strategy for themselves, but for me, FUCK MAN! Steemit is enough — espesh since SSG is so freaking cool.
I too like the idea of getting more and more crypto votes, and spreading my writings, but for right now it feels like the “community” feel yer talking about is localized — and as it should be.
With all of this being said, however, i still believe a solid plan and a few bucks for marketing (even if that equals buying more Steem Power) is a good idea. If Steem is going to persist, then any efforts now will translate into greater power going forward.
(@thedamus realizes he’s rambling and cuts it short...)
So yeah, SSG rocks! Buy more silver.
-The End
SSG has been at the forefront of my thinking and I think a lot of members could do a lot better if they started cross-posting and branching out. At the end of the day, the rewards for SSG members are not coming from outside of SSG unless they're being paid for and that kind of defeats the purpose.
The rest of the platform doesn't seem to give 2 shits about SSG and yet on current course if STEEM goes down then SSG will go down with the ship. I don't want that to happen, but I'm not going to rock the boat.
I would encourage anyone to post/interact cross-platform that finds it rewarding. Injust don’t thinkni have anymore room in my head, nor time at my disposal, to do more of this malarky!
I want to follow one friend on Minds, another still uses FB, and I'm here on steem. Can I have one app that reads them all? I don't really know why it matters where was the original post, it seems like I should be able to have one program that can read and collate from each parent source. Not being a coder, this could be impossible, and I wouldn't know. But I think it should be possible. Can that work? I don't know the road blocks.
If there is enough demand for it then someone will build it. Just need to be patient I guess :)
Well, I have purchased Sola tokens (price has since crashed) and seen their platform develop. Still immature though. I do not think they are trying to replicate Steemit; but at least it is more competition for the mainstream stuff.
Recently I joined Trybe; clunky - still on word press. Will be more "moderated" than Steemit. Based on EOS. Will Steemit move to EOS?
On the face of it, I would be more inclined to build on these other two platforms rather than get involved with more Steem communities.
However it is early days and who can see future develpoments? Especially once more of humanity quit the mainstream social media.
Im a little, and for me, the competition, and multiplatform work is good.
My "main profile" is the steemit, and when i grow faster on other platforms, and earn tokens, i can make here a bigger power up. Its simple.
If i can reach many thousand people here, its also good. But i cant, coz im a newby. So need another solution.
For now, i see that, all of it is weaker as the steemit. This is promising. I see the steemit inc work hard and well. This is also promising.
My plan is simple: i make my try few months long in everywhere, and this time is enough to see, its worth or not. And right now, we just build the cross-platform communities, so we dont know exactly, its works or not :)
What a hell hapend here, if you know a lot of people are make power down, what this say you that nobody wants to be and believe in steemit.
a lot of efforcement make by people do not were pay acording their work, for this reason a lot of people do not know what we do? People say what i loose nothing cents i received in steemit cents in other i cross the comunity.
well i think.
in the other platform people have the oportinity to grow more fast than here.
have a great cross.
You are right @buggedout as not being judgemental about a single platform all are going multi platform difference communities like smoke, weku, whatsarround etc.