Dear @geekpowered
Right at this moment people are raging against YouTube for censorship.
That's very true. However Steemit and all other front-ends build on STEEM blockchain share similar issue - those platforms are not censorship free. As a matter of fact, it's even easier to censor anyone here (all you need to do is to have account with huge STAKE).
You only released these guidelines after you punished someone...and publicly shamed them afterwards.
Ok, you're very right here. It surely could be played out better.
Personally I'm not sure if censorship is wrong or good thing. Part of me believes that us (humans) didn't grow up to enjoy "freedom" and live in censor-free world. Steemit proved over and over how bad it can be if people have some power.
I have self control, it took tons of it to flag all the innocent commenters just to get under you're skin! To prove it I have now made a new down-vote policy, I will only down-vote the accounts whom down-vote me. This means I will not be down-voting the accounts you interact with any more, or beany, or marky, unless those specific individuals down-vote me on their own.
Basically if anyone flags me I will flag them back. Accounts that flag me may get their posts and or comments flagged by me. End of story. Maybe if I can prove that I have self-control I will be able to appeal to @nopal4u and get unblocked one day! P.S. that name nopal4u sounds kinda juvenile! Maybe youy should make a more professional name? You an try to break me and make me snap but I don't think you can now!
Thanks, it was fun!