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RE: When Life Gives You Meh

in #community4 years ago

Good morning, Glen! Fructose, yes. Pura will do things like grate an apple to sweeten her baking. Seems your doctor and I have similar suggestions. You're right though, we're all so different so one's training will vary to the next person. Some essentials and basics but each of us need to tweak our own systems a little bit. I plan on that continuing.

Really cool you're interested. I hope what I've learned about myself can help you.

My 'main source' of protein doesn't really change. That's another thing I do, I don't venture far outside my consistent foods. I just try to do less or more each day and switch the ingredients around for some change but at the end of the week it equals out. Even snacking type foods, I don't venture far off what's in the kitchen now. 2 eggs every morning, a very protein, vegi packed shake each day, either turkey or fish in the evening and everything in between is my main source of protein--includes fruit and vegetable like you said. I haven't plugged in the numbers for a long time so I would only be able to guess. 3-400 grams maybe??

I'm big on carbs though. I think they got a bad rep from the farm industry. Carbs are really good actually. I try to pack those on every meal.. heavily outweigh the protein. Potato, rice, breads, etc. My snacking type foods are all carb, too. Humus, corn chips, trail mix, etc. High carbs. They say without exercise a bunch of carbs isn't healthy, possibly true. I think without exercise, a bunch of anything isn't healthy.

A good protein is also avocado. I'm allergic to it but I'll recommend them to anyone who asks, they pack some good numbers. Have you ever heard of Cronometer? They make an app too, super easy to use. I haven't plugged any numbers in since early this year but every once in awhile I'll track my food consumption just to make sure I'm still doing good. That one might really help you guys out, Glen, it's a lot easier to make adjustments when you can see them in action. Pura plugs in her number every day, still, for years now.