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RE: My Mom Reading Fox In Sox To The Great Grandkids

in #community2 years ago

I love family vacations like this! Everyone gets so busy in life that we miss out on some of those moments. What a wonderful time for all! How cool that everyone can get the same time off.

Fox in Sox! Who doesn't love Dr. Suess!?

Mom looks great and having a great time with the great-grands. She is pretty amazing. Not sure how I missed this, but, I never see your notifications anymore.


I thought it was so nice of my brother to invite her knowing there was already going to be a house full of people. She was mostly concerned about how many steps that 4 story house might have, but turns out it had an elevator, which eliminated any knee or hip concerns. She doesn't have a lot of trouble with either, but they both whisper to her once in a while.

I would definitely have to be suspicious of anyone that does not like Dr. Suess.

I'm sure she wouldn't believe that photo wasn't flattering of her, but those boys faces are the best as they listen to their Great-Grandma read ! So sweet !

It was really nice of your brother, and I am sure that he sees the value in having great grandma there - and she is alone now, so even more... but, definitely nice.

I guess you don't have to have issues with those parts, but, given her age, and her lack of stairs in her own house, it will do more than whisper after a week. Yay for elevators!

The boys' faces are precious and hello? She is 88! Even if she were only 78, she is a looker! OMG. She looks amazing!