How Dead is This Place

in #community6 years ago


I was saddened that we couldn't get enough community support to get our coin to the top of the NetCoins give-a-way. I was surprised or shocked but saddened. We are getting ready to have our third Steemfest but couldn't even get 1% of the platform to go vote to get Steem listed? I am really concerned about our future when something like this happens especially when people were offering free up-vote for 30 seconds of your time it would have taken to vote.

Is anyone still using this place or is it all bot's, vote sellers, auto posters, scammers and follow for follow people?

Let me know if you are still alive.


On a serious note, yeah it's super depressing we only got 19k votes in 5 whole days. Assuming nobody cheated, this means an active community of less than 5k people. Depressing indeed. Of course many found a way to vote more times then what they were supposed to, so real numbers are even more depressing

1 million accounts controled by 1000 actual users. I have had this suspicion for a long time but this kinda proved it for me. Really sad to think I put the limited amount of effort I have into this platform. Maybe I will just turn to being a scammy asshole like the rest of these shit birds.
We should have been able to turn over 100,000 votes easily if we actually had a user base. Fuck on facebook you can get a million likes to save this pancake that has cancer but we can't get 50k here for something of use.

Still here! And I am not a bot.

I am sure if some of these guys could order you in a box to add batteries to you many would.

You are probably right.

I'm all up and running, and I'm doing my voting job. Hold on... did you said free upvote? Where?!

utopina-d said they were giving out big votes for users who proved they voted. It was a scam as all of their self-votes on comments are almost $60 but they sucked and gave other users like $1.50 or something.

Still breathing here! I agree, and wish more people would've voted for Steem and would interact more here. Time will tell. Hope you're doing well @erodedthoughts! If you'd ever like to be a guest on our interview show, let me know!

I will fire up the xBox in the next couple of days and we can talk. I have to be in the right mood and having a good day as far as back medication goes or I'll end up being a nightmare guest, lol.

Cool dude yeah I added you awhile back. MA1NE EVENT on Xbox Live.

i made a post about the exact same thing adding some numbers and reasons as to why this is happening. Because i don't wanna post the link here i will just say a few words.

We have 1+ million accounts that from them the daily active accounts are 55-60k (from the 1 million i repeat). Now exclude some bots and double accounts that many users have and let's say that the number goes down to 40-45k.

But what it means to be a daily active account according to the statistics. It means that in a single to do either a post,comment,upvote,transaction meaning that if you use autovoting services and curation trails you are considered to be a daily active account.

That means the total number of actual active accounts that interact and generally do things manually in my opinion is around 9-10k

Even if you take the contest for example, we had around 20k of votes and the average votes per person were around 4. 20k/4= 5k of unique voters and even if you double this it's 10k as i said. Note also that this contest as you mentioned too was promoted by everyone and it was an easy way both to earn money and do the process

And we are all well aware of the fact that people do shady shit all over steemit for free votes, so I think the real number is less than 1,000 daily. It will never be a real number and many people have 20+ accounts all selling sub 0.00 votes with programs like SmartSteem and the scams like SBI, its no wonder no-one can get ahead on this site.

that's why somehow we need to find actual active users and support each other (ofc if we like the content etc etc). It's way harder in practice though cause if we follow too many our feed turns into a nightmare and with our sp we can't upvote them all :( Also with communities and discord and post promotion channels it once again becomes difficult cause it will gather too many for one person to upvote.

The best thing would be once again a community that rewards active and quality users, but then again how can you measure quality? :P you may think something a quality that i don't and vice versa. Shit it became too complicated :P

How do you think SBI is a scam? i get some upvotes from them but it's shares others gave to me, never spent a steem for that purpose and generally i get the idea but never got deep into it, so i am curious now that you mentioned it

I have bought or given a total of 14 shares, I get a .01 upvote so that means 1400 votes to earn the money back. Yet if you look at the automated accounts they have voting their people and accounts get very healthy votes every day.

Sure you get a vote and that is all some people want, votes on every post but the time it will take you to see a gain will be well after steemit is dead.

so let's hope to earn shares from others :P and only gain "profit" :P

It would be more profit if they powered up and voted me one time.

I find @qurator to be a good community which finds quality posts...

I don't think it's anything new that retention rates here are bombastically low. Estimates even before the crappy market year, retention was something like <5%, I'd argue there are far, far more dead accounts than bots etc. just people coming, realising it's shit, leaving within a day =)

Did you just call our home shit? You evil man!

Don't shoot the messenger, bruh

I voted. But only once. I thought I had voted the first time, but had only registered (trying to do it on my phone, on the move). Muppet.

To be honest I almost didn't vote because it gets on my nerves when you see so many posts with people telling you to do something. Flooding my feed it felt a bit spamy (even though most people had good intentions and it was for the good of steem), and I got the sense that a lot of people were hopping on the bandwagon because it got attention and upvotes. It puts me off when I see so many posts of a similar type. I wonder if other people just ignored it for similar reasons. Particularly those (like me) whose interest in crypto is secondarily to their interest in steem as a place to blog and connect with people.

Edit: by the way I saw the post about the free upvotes, and ignored that and voted anyway - we aren't all motivated by upvotes only, thank goodness

Posted using Partiko Android

I was harassed into voting for Steem when my honest opinion is Steem should be earned and SBD should be for sale everywhere. People should have to come to the internal market to swap SBD for Steem and than also use the internal market when they want to cash out swapping Steem back into SBD. I guess that just makes too much sense to penetrate Ned's hair.

Am still here... The place is really bringing me down though

Please follow

I’ve been actively stalking enough lately to see the voting and managed to cast mine [for STEEM obviously].

In my short time in the crypto game, it seems that while everyone (usually only those someohow invested in STEEM) is talking the STEEM blockchain up — the actual exposure of it is close to zero. Especially compared to some of these other “useless” cryptos. Like Verge was on a binance way before STEEM. So the outcome of the voting was not surprising to me.

I really only noticed the top two names up there STEEM / Verge so I don’t recall who the other players were... but it made me think:

What is verge? Do they have a community/social media platform akin (or not) to Steemit? How were they able to pull this off? Maybe they just created fake emails for voting? Or bought votes?

Alive and voted four times!!!

Well, I've heard about Steemit not being the "end of the road" many, many times and I've actually started to think about it more and more these last few weeks...

Steemit feels more or less dead, but that's not the same thing as Steem is dead. I still believe that Steem will be extremely powerful with time. Steemit on the other hand, the blogging platform, is so far downhill now, so I doubt it will ever come back to life.

Lack of leadership. That's what brought us here. One can talk all about how awesome Ned and STINC is for this or that, but they have ignored Steemit for a very long time...

Steemit was probably never the end goal for them, and we, the active users remaining here, are the ones who'll suffer the most.

I still can't understand why they rely on the users on this falling platform to vote, instead of just paying the $30K fee. Even though I'm curious, I still voted 4 times.

I share your thoughts as we have spoken on this many times. At least we are 11 for 11 and have at least a little active community each week helping the next guy.

This is why this community has become confusing to me personally. I want to invest more time here to see if I can change a coming future but the instability revolving Steem is as scary as the one in my real life. How can I invest in it knowing this? Mahn!

I always give you my honest opinion. You know where I stand on platforms.

Speaking of which, we need to talk. I'll holla :D

Posted using Partiko Android

I just logged into discord

Is anyone still using this place or is it all bot's, vote sellers, auto posters, scammers and follow for follow people?

I guess that for most people there is no real motivation to be active here, it is depressing to bother with payouts counted in the third decimal while you see others getting hundreds with just a couple of comments/votes. It feels like a jerk-circle to be honest.

Always has been, those who continued to circle-jerk from the beginning while self-voting moved right on up the ranks. The only people who suffer over and over are those who base their votes off of their communities. They are even trying to move to communities where those with more Steem Power will earn more.


my whale shares account is still not up!

Mine went through today 🙌 Good luck dear ♡

Posted using Partiko Android

You still had more to give me old man, remember we were waiting

what, LOOL.did you just replied to the wrong comment? hahaha.... your post is trending BTW, has a lot of comments.

That is just sad, lol.

I already made an account. I posted something and it does not appear on my wall, is that a bug?

whats a shares...

I am on discord.

Still alive, precariously... The bad economy in both fiat and crypto is wrecking me.

Hit me up on discord, there is hope to enjoy yourself and make good coin at the same time.

You can't get rid of me. Not going anywhere. Just here plugging away.

Yeah, even as I write this is a foul shitty mood over how things are, I'm a lifer. There is no early release for good behavior.

I voted four or five times and try not to make things like this bring me down.
Although I would love to say this is a good thing, I am afraid I can't.

Same goes for finding out today that Ned seems to have sent most of his Steem to Bittrex two days ago. I wish I hadn't found that out today.

I wish you a great day anyway, at least the sun is shining out here,
Let's all keep smiling, at least it's proven that smiling is healthy ( even if it's a 'fake' smile ) :>)


I hope it means he is willing to put up the 30k needed to get Steem listed and is just preparing for the pre-steemfest pump.

I might have found the answer in his latest post:

Not sure what to think about this.

Cool, Ned is going to head another company. I think that will make all the investors happy........

I like these thoughts and yes, we can always hope. Although it is even better to expect a good outcome.
Bye for now and greetings from a still pretty active Steemian :>)

I am alive.

Im still here @erodedthoughts , had a bit of resource credit issue, but @eaglespirit came to the rescue and delegated me some extra SP's... 😇

Yeah I voted like as many times as I was allowed to do, (in that competition), and we where a few hundreds more then VERGE just a few hours before the vote closed, I was not aware that we lost?

(Maybe it was just some elaborate scam to "harvest" our names, IP addresses and emails? I mean information like that must be wroth a lot of money to "email marketers" targeting the crypto community)...


You mean the Facebook disclaimer at the bottom of the page didn't sound like a legit thing, lol.

Yeah what was that about, "this is not facebook stealing your info we promise"? Or something like that? 😃


That was just funny to see.

Hey dude / @erodedthoughts I think we won, their website says so, cool,
I was being all negative and stuff... Shame on me! 😇😌


We should have had the final number of votes we got on the first day and increased more every other day voting was allowed if this place was still going at half pace.

The numbers don't lie and we were even offered payment for our rigged voting which is the only reason most people voted.

I did vote both because I thought it would be good for steemit, then I got some SBD from @sndbx for posting a screenshot, so why not...

I think many people here are a bit "anti-bandwagon", and they don't like going to "outside sites" and put their contact and name info/vote, just because "everybody" does it... Or what do you say?


Although I haven't posted anything in a long time, I am still active here on a daily basis - giving upvotes and leaving comments occasionally. I also voted 4 times in favor of Steem on NetCoins' website.

That said, Steem feels like a dead place compared to several months ago :/

Yes, it does and right before Steemfest which says even more.

It looks like we pulled it off :)

We are all still here... Just had to get the !popcorn out of the microwave.

Damn, !popcorn and !pancakes in the same post, you guys are going to make me a lardass.

@erodedthoughts, your pancakes are ready!


Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

Would you like to order pancakes?

Please upvote this comment with your order:

$0.01+random delicious pancake
$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Let me know if you are still alive.

Here I am.

Regarding the voting, Netcoins is still doing final checks before announcing the winner, and I'm highly suspicious about INS coming out of nowhere with 10 000+ votes during the last day.

We are getting ready to have our third Steemfest but couldn't even get 1% of the platform to go vote to get Steem listed?

I guess it's just the natural way of life; most people aren't active participants but passive observers, even when it's just about a simple voting.

I'm interested to see what the final count is, it looked pretty damn suspicious for the last few hours of voting.

Yeah, it did. Should be announced during this week.

It was all electronic voting, there should not be final counts, it should be instant. For fucks sake, it's electronic.

I don't think they thought it all thought, which is pretty stupid, it's so easy to use VPNs or something like that to vote more than once.

I understand human nature. The fact that everyone has been fed fluffed numbers of 1 million users gets proven as a lie as statistics show 1% of groups are readily there for voting, buying and using any said product.

I am glad you are still here Mohawk.

The fact that everyone has been fed fluffed numbers of 1 million users gets proven as a lie as statistics show 1% of groups are readily there for voting, buying and using any said product.

Yeah, there's no use of telling "Steem has 1 million users" – we, especially active ones, are far fewer than that. I wouldn't say it's bad necessarily, but it's good to know where we actually are.

It really would be nice to get real numbers. We all know most are just farming votes or selling them but those of us who use the site would like to know.

I think we need to see how many accounts that we have which have more than 500SP, which I think that are the people who are really active in the Steem.
So if we had 1% of all total accounts...
If we took off the deadfishes (which is the inactive accounts) and the redfishes (the newcomers), we got +90% of the accounts!

I'm here too. And I'm not a bot!

100% a bot, only a bot would confess they are not a bot!

Lol! It seems like that I need to practice more my reverse psychology, hahahaha!

"Let me know if you are still alive."

death is not willing to touch me😢 So I guess I will have to hang in (t)here...

I'm alive!

But dead inside.

I can understand feeling that way!

I just found out that Steem ended up as #1 after all :>)

Guess it's getting a very exclusive club around these parts..

Posted using Partiko Android

Saw all the posts,
every day
and voted:
zero times.

A specific Schadenfreude part of me had a good laugh seeing steemit on place two after all the fuss.
A bit of pity for all the sad people.
Didn't lead to much reflections though.

I have no idea how many people read English posts on steemit or only in their mother tongue and how it has been transported to other languages...

actually this shows that possibly we have just 19k active users despite accounts number

Alive and vote 3 times

Congratulations @erodedthoughts!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 96 comments

well i thought it gonetcoins was won by steem

“First, I’d like to congratulate Steem and their community for winning our coin listing contest. It was an extremely tight race, and the Steem community did an incredible job coming together to secure the top spot,” said Netcoins CEO Mark Binns. “Netcoins is very excited to help bring STEEM to a wider audience, and to further help its existing community access the token through our retail network and OTC desk.”

im alive, but was withoiut the network. so yeah./.. hah cheer up. and Stick together REAL PEOPLE OF STEEM!

I'm still here. Pinky and Spiky drawing community is alive...


Here! Have a Flag!

im a very useful value add to this network. please vote for my comments

Well hell if you are a very useful add on to the community, have a vote!