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RE: When Life Gives You Meh

in #community4 years ago

Things have been tough on a lot of people these days. But sounds like you guys have been really banged up.
I am sure your wife will be fine once she gets a new routine down. It's very hard to change habits, especially when you get older. Bummer that work for you has been so difficult.
But as you said, it could be worse.
Going to keep me eye out for you.
Keep the faith buddy.Hello there @glenalbrethsen, long time my friend. Nice to see you back.


Hey, @farm-mom.

Oh, I've been around. Just not as active in posting as I was the first half of the year. With the time off, I've been trying to post, comment and curate more, though I don't think I'm making much of a dent yet. :)

re: banged up

Yeah, there's been quite a bit, but we're still afloat, and with some prioritizing, maybe we can stay that way.

re: my wife

Yeah, I think it will work out. I've been cooking so far this week and we're trying to have more nutritional food. She needs to lay off the chips, and then we probably need to stay away from pork and ground beef a little more.

re: it could be worse

Always. Just as it could always be better. :)

I appreciate the kind words. Someone should keep an eye on me. Never know what I'm going to do. :)

We all have our thing, I have been making homemade candy for Christmas gifts and swore I would only taste test.
Well that lasted about an hour or so, the testing became noshing down several more pieces. Boy were they good.
Said the heck with it, it's the Holidays. 🤶 I am going to wait until AFTER the first of the year, then get serious about a better diet.🤞🙄
Enjoy the day, be well.