Such an awesome theory you got there. I have to also start checking my glasses to see how my relates with me.
A lot of great advices in there too
Posted using Partiko Android
Such an awesome theory you got there. I have to also start checking my glasses to see how my relates with me.
A lot of great advices in there too
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, thank you, @ferrate.
I've been at that point in my life where I've been questioning all kinds of things, and trying to see through all the misinformation to find the truth behind it. So, this exercise was mainly me walking through a few possible ways to really assess the significance of the half glass of water and applying it to life. In the end, it is what it is, and then we need to determine what we're going to do about it.
Yea... That's true and it was worth it
Posted using Partiko Android