in #community6 years ago


Usually, when you start a project you are excited and hoping everything will take off quickly, becoming massively popular because you know it is an amazing idea. For @brittandjosie and myself @xcountytravelers, this is what we hoped for our Hey! Have Ya Met...? project. It has taken a while, but we have finally started to see some amazing progress and are receiving some equally amazing support. We would like to take a few moments and say thank you to those who are our delegators. They should be acknowledged and celebrated because without them, we would not be able to achieve the things we are hoping to do for the Redfish Community.

We wanted to take a few moments and recognize some extremely important people on this blockchain that are delegating to us to enable us to do the Introduceyourself tagged posts introduction we lovingly call "Hey! Have Ya Met...?" Without their delegation, we would not be able to upvote as many of them as we do or be able to do the monthly delegation contest Redfish Rally. For this, we thank each one of you.












The list does not stop here. We have so many people that support us by upvoting, not just our posts, but the posts of those we introduce. This is huge and we do appreciate each and every upvote. There are also those who comment on our posts regularly. Every time you upvote, comment, and/or resteem it helps us reach those who could use a little help. We honestly could not have done any of this without any of you!



This would enable us to connect and engage with even more new Steemian accounts. If so, please contact @xcountytravelers Steem Terminal#7157 in the Steem Terminal (a discord server) or down below in the comments. We appreciate your interest in helping us help others.

to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @steemterminal

Why not visit our partner @steemterminal?


Thanks @minnerz22 for the gif!

Click the banner to go to our Discord Server!

Have you entered yet?


many steemians will be interested to sponsor you guys because your goal's amazing. Keep supporting the newbies so that they will learn how to swim in this ocean on steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much

Thank you so much. We are doing what we can and we appreciate everything that is done to help us help others.

You guys do good work. I don't interact as much lately but try to upvote when I can..

Posted using Partiko Android

No worries, we know people are busy. The fact that you are doing what you can as you can do it means a lot. So appreciate you stopping by today.

you both rock @brittandjosie and @xcountytravelers, we have lost so many that were helping new users, I am delighted I have been some help. Thank you for the shout out

RenWe are so happy to be there for them. Please don't forget about our amazing @jamerussell. He has been doing the actual HHYM posts for a while now. @brittandjosie is still doing the introductory comments, but I am working on the technical stuff in the background. Such an awesome crew for sure!

@jamerussell keep up the amazing work, im sorry for leaving you out, and you are doing the posts.....Dohhhhhhhh......but really, you rock and this project rocks. nice work.

I think some names are missing? What about the folks that delegated to @steem-aide?

Those people could have been incorporated to this post as it would also spread more awareness for @steem-aide