Hmm honestly, I think there is something to targeting your comments to whales (or rich folk anyway) who might reward them. I mean on this draught? Even that counts for a lot of people on this platform.
And you're right, mostly, but here you can't only be talking about the 'great post sir' comments. I mean I admit I've also targeted my comments at times towards "big" accounts, in hope that they might notice me. It's a way to grow, I believe. As you say, it all depends on what you comment - whether it adds to the conversation or not. But even if it does add to the conversation, it's still targeting.
I (and surely, I'm not the only one) am smart enough that if I wanted to target you, I wouldn't leave 'great post', I'd engage and talk about what you wrote, but my motivation could very well be the same.
Bottom line is, valuable to the community or not, we all expect something. I'm pretty sure that most people here are in for the money. OR that it plays a huge part for them, at the very least.
That being said, great post, nice hair! Interesting shoes, sir. :)
There is value in this and I think people should spend time thinking about what value they bring if looking for attention. Obviously you are not ignorant to this.
Everyone is needy perhaps but finding what they need is the difficulty. The shoes are new, thanks :D