We at FIC are grieved and outraged by the recent police killing of George Floyd, one incident in an ongoing pattern of police abuse towards black people and people of color across the United States. We stand in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter and the groundswell of peaceful protests around the world. We support demands for accountability and justice. We continue to reflect on the devastating racism present in our society and our institutions, and how we might become part of the solution.
Social justice is one of FIC’s core values, yet, admittedly, we could have done more sooner and can do more now to help transform systems of oppression.
We acknowledge that the majority of intentional communities in our network are predominately white, with significant cultural, financial and other barriers existing that make it difficult for people of color to start and/or join intentional communities. It is our responsibility to build a more aware and inclusive organization, as well as aid the communities in our network in addressing issues of racism and oppression.
We recognize we have a long way to go in these endeavors. Unlearning and dismantling white supremacism and privilege is a continuous practice. We are committed to the long journey of creating a more just world for all.
Below are upcoming events, past articles and additional resources that may be useful to you, and all of us, as we walk this path together. We very much welcome any ideas you may have on how FIC can help end systemic racism and shine a spotlight on those communities in our network that have social justice at the core of their missions. Please write to [email protected].
In solidarity,
FIC Staff and Board of Directors
Workshop Recordings on Anti-Racism

Watch, rent or download these recordings of past workshops hosted by FIC. Learn about upcoming events at ic.org/events.
Communities Magazine Issue on Race, Class & Privilege
This issue looks unflinchingly at a major “elephant in the room”—the relative lack of racial and class diversity in most ICs, at least in North America—while suggesting ways of recognizing, understanding, and addressing it.
Authors share stories of obstacles they’ve encountered (from both sides of the privilege equation) and positive steps they and their groups have taken to move toward greater inclusivity and equity.
Available to download for free or by-donation. >> Download the Magazine Issue.

Resources for the Creation of a "Black Commons"
Below is a list of resources originally shared in a newsletter from the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, in which they describe a proposal for adopting the "community land trust structure to serve as a national vehicle to amass purchased and gifted lands in a Black Commons with the specific purpose of facilitating low cost access for Black Americans hitherto without such access." Read the full newsletter. The below organizations and networks are excellent resources for helping shift land into the ownership of people of color.
- Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust
- Land Loss Prevention Project
- Black Belt Justice Center
- People of Color Sustainable Housing Network
- National Black Food and Justice Alliance
- Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative
- Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
- Native Land Conservancy
- White Earth Land Recovery Project
- Resource Generation
- Agrarian Trust
- Land Justice Network, U.K.
- A Directory of Community Land Trusts – all of which can accept gifts of land

Members of the Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://www.ic.org/black-lives-matter/