Grocery Day Means More Fun Choices

in #community3 months ago
Happy Saturday.... again!
No overtime today, so just as I love to do, I stayed up late last night and slept in a little this morning. I LOVE not going to bed till I actually want too, something I don't give myself permission to do on work-nights since I need to get out of the bed by 7 AM the next morning. I totally love the freedom of the weekend hours.
My grocery order came today. I love grocery day. I love that all of the sudden I have a lot of choices about what I will eat next. I had only had a little coffee earlier this morning, so by the time my order got here right before noon, I was wanting something to eat. First though, I had to go through everything, check the dates and put away anything that belonged in the refrigerator or freezer. (I admit, the rest is checked in, but still sitting on the kitchen counter, till after my post).
Today I decided on having this snack pack as the main part of my meal. It's kind of close to healthy.


It was this Taylor Farms Dill Pickle snack pack. It came from Walmart, but I don't really know if other stores carry the brand, I'm thinking maybe they do.


I put this second photo of what was in it to show the stick of cheddar that was underneath the pretzels. I haven't bought this in a while, because most of the times it is sold out, but the last time I bought it, it did not include pretzels. I am neutral about pretzels. Some are really good and some taste like you might imagine salted cardboard would taste. 😂 Fortunately, the little ones included in this snack pack were quite good.... for pretzels.


The only thing that makes this pack "dill" is the Dill Pickle Ranch Dip that is in it. I love dill, so to me, it is quite good. They also sell the dip by itself in an 8 or 10 ounce container.


After I ate my veggie, cheese, pretzel snack pack (while watching part of Elementary on TV) I topped it off with some fresh watermelon, which also came today. I have not been a huge watermelon lover most of my life, but I recently had some at Mom's one Sunday and it somehow appealed to me then. I didn't understand it, but that's just how it was and I have ordered some with my groceries since then. I didn't check to see where it was from, but even though North Carolina is is about 9th in watermelon growing in the states, the season for it is usually over by late August. Anyway, so far, it has been fresh and sweet.


I like trying new things and so I buy at least one thing in every order that I have never bought before. Sometimes I end up liking what I try and sometimes not. This time I bought this Smoky Vanilla coffee. I like vanilla and I like smoky (except if it's because something is on fire that shouldn't be). Recently my Sister turned me onto Smoked Butterscotch coffee from Starbuck's. She gave me a small jar with a sample. I made a couple of pots and liked it, but when I went to buy more, I found that it is seasonal and was only available from August to October. You know that made me want it even more! So, I bought some from an Ebayer who was one of many that had bought a bunch up to sell to suckers like me after it was no longer availble. I went through all the offers and found the best on that existed in what I could find and I bought it anyway. LOL... I couldn't wait till next August for more. I know, I know, me so spoiled...... but back to the Smoky Vanilla, I put on a pot to try and I am sipping some of it while I am making this post.
When the pot wasfinished, I let it steep there for a little while as I was eating. I had smelled it when I opened the bag and the smell was neither bad or good. When I went to get a cup, within about 5 feet of the pot, I could smell the smoky aroma. When I took my first sip, I thought the coffee was strong and I could taste some vanilla, but it was light and pleasant and not over powering, which suited me just fine. I wasn't sure how much smoky flavor I was getting, but maybe I didn't really wait long enough after I ate to try it. I'm not sure. In general, to my tastes, it is a decent cup of coffee, but my final opinion is not decided yet. I may know after another cup or two.
As a note, I was not familiar with the "better goods" brand, but upon googling it, I found that it is Walmart's "Private Label" that is supposed to have trendy items and chef inspired stuff. Who knew? Not me. Looks like from the net, that it became a thing last April. I had not seen it till about a month ago.


After my nearly healthy meal, the calorie day may go sideways once these mints are opened. LOL... I ordered them from Cracker Barrell who has carried them a long time and they were also delivered today. They are creamy and minty and as close to homemade as I have ever bought.
My parents made homemade mints when I was growing up and some of us siblings have made them too along the way. That doesn't happen much now. You of course have to cook the recipe to a certain temperature, pour it out on a marble slab that has been in the freezer to cool it quickly, all the while lightly folding the edges over each other (and putting the peppermint oil and coloring on it) till it is barely able to be handled, at which time, you have to start pulling the batch of candy, twisting round and round till it starts to cream. At that time, you twist it into a windy snake and cut it quickly into pieces before it finishes setting up. It sounds simple and it kind of is once you do it a few times, but the timing is EVERYTHING for each next step.
So, the flavor and consistency of these is darn good, for bought. I plan on sharing and distributing during our holiday happenings over the next few weeks, except for one container, which I will open and eat them all myself. 😆.... not all at one time though.

mints from cracker barrell.jpg

Alright, I bored you good and proper with my tasty food things and it is time for me to finish. I will be going back to the kitchen to put the pantry things away and to load the dishwasher as I cleaned out the frig before my new order got here and it has caused there to be a small pile of dishes to be waiting there.
I hope all is going well your way.
Love you !