It's Easter Sunday morning. I am happily sitting here, sipping some coffee and eating my yogurt. I slept in because I chose to stay up half the night. I love the weekends when I can do that. 😄
Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ in the Christian faith. I do consider myself a Christian, so it is a special day to me to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, because he loved me !
I do understand not everyone is a believer and just so you'll know, you get no judgement from me. It is your choice and I love you no matter. 💛 💜 💚
Back in the day, Easter Sunday nearly always meant a pretty new dress for church and an Easter Bonnet for the ladies. Here is a photo from 1959. I am two years old and the youngest at that time. This is my mother and my older sister and brother, Vicky and David. Later in life, two more of us were born, for a total of 5 children. Believe me when I tell you, there was never a dull moment ! 😂

As you can tell, also the same day, Mom and David switched places behind the camera and now you see what my Dad looked like then. Fun photos.... right ? Darn I was cute !

After I finish this post and my yogurt and part of my coffee, I will make some deviled eggs out of some eggs I boiled last night and then put some hot curlers in my hair hoping it will look half decent for my visit to Moms.
I made her this Easter Basket. I put a few things in it that she loves and a couple of new surprises that I have no idea what they taste like, but they sounded good so.... ha ha....I included a cute little stuffed Peep so it would look fun

I didn't make an Easter cake this year. I use to be an avid baker and would try to make some sort of fun looking cake for our family occasions. I pretended it was to please the kids, but of course I was also pleasing myself.
One year I made this egg shaped cake out of a set of oval layer pans. I made the layers different colors, so that when it was cut, the inside was just as fun as the outside.

Another year I made this fun cake sculpture thingy. The bottom was pound cake cooked in a bundt pan. I then made a few jumbo cupcakes and a couple of mini cupcakes and stacked them on top. I drizzeled glaze down the outside, sprinkled pink and purple sugar lightly and then added malted milk candy eggs as accents.

Another year I made a cake on a pedestal and tacky'd it up with assorted Peeps and Jelly beans. Looking at this photo made me laugh just now. It was a Hershey Bar Cake and they are always good, no matter how they look on the outside.

I made this jelly bean bark one time. I can't say it was the greatest end product, but it was sweet and looked fun.

A couple of years back, one of my nieces, Miranda, made these fun Easter cookies. I have to say, she takes after me with the gift of making fun candies and baked goods. Very creative.

Of course you can never go wrong with quick and easy iced cupcakes of any flavor with jelly beans on top.

About 25 years ago, I use to bake and decorate cakes for other people out of my home. This is one of the Easter bunny/egg cakes I made. Back then, there was no internet in my home or cell phone and a lot of the photos were taken with a Kodak Instamatic camera, which truly didn't take great photos of anything, but was instant, so was the best I could do in the day. I had a 9mm that took better photos, but that was when you had to take the photos, then when a roll of film was completed, you took them somewhere they could be developed, waited days or a week for their return and then you would look and see if any of the photos you took came out decent. LOL ! MY ! how the times have changed.

As a child, we left out Easter Baskets the night before Easter and the next day they were miraculously filled with candys and fun doodads. No telling what all would be in them but we could be sure that part of it would include some of our favorite candies. Such fun childhood memories.

.... and Easter simply would not be complete without a few Peeps hanging around.

I hope you all have a good day and that your hearts are happy.
Happy Easter !
Love you !
My sweet tooth has been satiated here.
Those lemon straws look interesting, I'm not familiar with them. The basket is nice touch along with the green grass overflowing. For some reason I equate baskets with Christmas even though it really should be more associated Easter. Carrying these type of baskets during this weather is much better than in the winter especially if you have the monstrous 3-4 foot tall ones haha
You're quite the accomplished baker. I'm impressed and a little intimidated too.
I hope you have a great Easter. I'll roll myself away from this post, I think I just gained 20 pounds during the course of reading haha
If ONLY photos would satisfy my sweet tooth, I wouldn't be so fluffy ! LOL
The lemon straws were one of the things I had never tried before. My Mom loves lemon things, so I took the chance. We tried them and we both liked them. They were more like cookies that melted away easily in your mouth when you took a bite and not like cheese straws, which the name reminded me of.
I have baked a lot in my life, that is for sure, but I don't do a lot of it now. Not as many occasions and of course, not something I need hanging around here, constantly hounding me to have another piece.
My day was very nice. Mom and I had a good lunch. Both my sisters and one of my grown nieces stopped by at different times, so we had a good visit with them as well.
Thanks for stopping over !
I love all the goodies you baked!!!
Easter is not a day but a season... so, I think I'll bake an Easter Cake too!
I like the first one, the three different colored layer! I think it looks fantastic!
And you look so cute!!!
Why is it that old photos look so good always???
You are so nicely dressed!
Back in the day, our Easter frocks were quite fine ! You couldn't go to church on Easter looking frumpy now.... could you ?? Crinkly petty coats and all !
Cake is good anytime and if it isn't in an egg shape, it can be a spring cake, so there is plenty of time left for those !
Toddlers are always adorable....right ?
Maybe the old photos look so good because there are so many memories or similar memories attached. I don't really know.
At least where I live, people are still dressed up for special occasions, pretty little girls in wonderful attires.
But it is understandable that there are exceptions, for as long as they are dressed "decent".
I don't have food coloring still for the cake. I'll pick up some this weekend!
Yes, it must be the special memories attached to photos. I don't have old photos here at home. It is all in storage. What is it doing there? I dunno... I haven't visited my storage for years, and just paying every month for rent. What a waste! I've gotta do something about that!
I'm sure some folks still get dressed up here too and I also know, sometimes that is not possible, but that's ok and it is great to show up anyway.
As for the old photos, my brother David took it upon himself a number of years ago to scan all the photos in my Mom's photo albums over the years and one of my Grandmother's albums. he then put them on disks and gave us all one. After he passed, his son copied all the photos he could find on my brother's computer, saved them to external hard drives and gave each of my brother's siblings a copy ! What a blessing. Mom still has her original albums but should the day come that anything happens to them or one of our copies, someone else will still have a copy of these treasures.
Awesome !
Happy Easter Monday! You know you are Catholic when you are still celebrating Easter on Monday! :) It looks like such a fun day to be with you, baking and creating. I have always looked forward to when you went to a family celebration with all the wonderfully creative things you would make.
I hope your day was wonderful and I love all the family photos you put out!
Look at David! The best memories! XOXO
Happy Easter Monday ! Unfortunately my company doesn't consider it a holiday, so I am working.... duh.... phooey ! Otherwise I would be happy to still be celebrating !
It was a very lovely day. Mom and I pooled resources to enjoy some nice ham, homemade potato salad and deviled eggs.... and croissants, with some apple pie dessert. My younger sister came in for a while and left with part of our good food and later my older sister and her daughter came in for a fun visit. My niece had made a cake too with a name somewhat like Buttermilk farm cake that had a strudel topping and was very tasty too. We had fun !
Of course I came home with extra of Mom's potato salad and some leftover chicken and dumplings that she made a couple of days ago for something else ! OMGoodness there is going to be some good eating around here. In face, as soon as I finish this comment, I am going to the kitchen to eat some of it. yum yum
Time flys so fast ! After David was gone, at some point I was looking at old family photos through the years. Seems like only a few years back we were children and it is still almost unfathomable that he is gone ! Photos are so sweet and even sweeter now.
I have to agree. Life is so fragile feeling some days, flying by without even blinking. The hole they leave is so deep some days, that it cannot be measured.
Mom is surely amazing. I am in awe of her and how she keeps on the go.
What did you eat? 'Fess up!
I ate a serving of potato salad and potato chips and onion dip. LOL !!
That is it? Even I did better than that! I had an Easter Egg, olives, raisins, orange slices, ham, cheese cubed up, nuts, and I think that was it. Coffee and orange juice, It was a small plate with small servings, but, the variety was nice.
Actually, the potato salad sounds yummy! Chips and dip do sound inviting. Maybe later.
I figured you were going to goose me for having a not-so-healthy lunch !
It was just two of us (originally) for goodness sakes. Who wants to slave over that ??
..and yes... it was yummy ! :)
Not a chance! I love potato salad! Especially one that is not health conscious. When there is one or two of us here, I do nothing or as little as possible. :)
Oh this was simply delightful. What a trip down memory lane. You have a beautiful family...and were ever so cute as a 2 year old 😊 That car behind you is pretty smashing too! haha The front grille showing in the background gives the appearance that it is smiling broadly 😀
How wonderful that you went to this effort every year to celebrate and bring joy to those around you, and it appears you are still doing it in numerous forms. I have to say I love all the peeps that you sneak into your cakes and baskets. Very endearing and fun.
I also enjoy those nights when I can stay awake later too. Such peace hehe. I hope you had a truly blessed Easter Jacey. I spent a fair bit of time on Sunday contemplating the life and death of Christ and His impact on the world 🙏 It took me on quite a journey of reflection. Take care 💖
Since you mentioned it, the car DOES seem to have a jolly grin on it's face.
I love to bake and decorate things in a fun way, but I don't have as many functions to do it for now. I miss doing it, but I don't miss cleaning up the mess after. 😄
I didn't use to care to stay up so late, but I really like it now for some reason.
...and yes, the reason for the celebration was certainly on my mind throughout the day. That sacrifice I can barely fathom.... but I'm more than thankful.
...ever the rub, eh? 😂 but I say...keep baking anyway lol
I find it very soulful.
You and your whole family are so cute, and I love ALL of the cakes! The one with all of the colors inside! 🤤😍
Happy Easter!
Thank you !
Cakes were sometimes how I made abstract art, before I started painting it. 😃
I made the below cake for one of my nephew's 1st birthday (SO many years ago) The inside was wild colors in every layer. Playing with cake and icing was very fun to do.
Happy Easter ! Hope you had a good day.
Yay! 🤗
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