How Do You Think Of Everything ????

in #community17 hours ago
I ordered a new microwave and it came yesterday. I spent a lot of time measuring and making sure the new one would fit where the old one was before I bought it. I was SO diligent !
Sure enough it came and the size was right and it looked pretty neat, even though the whole front of it wasn't white like my last one. I'm not so much a stickler about such things, I just think solid while looks neat and clean. I couldn't find another white one that was the right size and had the amount of power that I wanted, so I ended up with this one. It's fine and I'm ok with it.... except...
My previous one sat on the top of this little Baker's Rack and that is where I liked it. I expected to put this one on top too. As you can tell, it is still the perfect size to go there, but after I got it unboxed and sat it up there, guess what ?????? The power cord was about an inch too short to reach the electrical outlet behind the rack. WHAT ??? Good Lawd ! I moved the rack so that the cord would go straight down and luck !
I was SO careful to have ALL the measurements for the darn thing, but it never crossed my mind about the cord. Surely many folks keep them on their kitchen cabinets where the receptacles would be inches from the microwave, but my kitchen is small (drats) and open counter space needs to stay open and besides, this had worked out for years ! Oh well.... I'm not sure the descriptions tell how long a dern cord is in the adds, but even if it was, it was one thing that never crossed my mind.
As you can see, it still fit fine on the shelf underneath and I'll adapt I'm sure.

oct 15 new microwave.jpg

I know it doesn't seem like a big deal and I know in the grand scheme of life it is not even a blip on the radar, but.....the 2nd shelf is where I had my cookbooks. I'm an old girl and I've cooked and baked a lot in my life, so cookbooks have always been special to me. I used to have a lot more, but over time pared it down to two handfuls. I don't use them a lot, but I still do use a few that have some of my favorite recipes. I'm not a dinosaur and I do use the net for recipes as well, but still.... I love my cookbooks.
This is where they are now though, stacked on a box in the floor a few feet away from the rack. Since the top does not have sides on the left and right, it wasn't like I could just exchange places and put them on top. As is the nature of books, they need a space that does not allow them to fall over. I'm not sure where they will go now. I liked that they were near the kitchen. It is not convenient to have them far away from it. Phooey ! Right ??
I did move my coffee jars and pot to the top for now, that opened up the space they were using on my kitchen counter. Not sure if I will leave it there, but for now, I'm trying it out.


After I typed the first couple of sentences of this post, it suddenly occurred to me that this might be just the lame excuse I could use to purchase a wider, prettier Baker's Rack. That thought adds some positivity back into the mix.
Hmmmm.... maybe I need to do some more shopping !
Ok... now I have to go ! LOLOLOL
Hope your week has started out in a pleasant way.
Love you !

Short cords are a curse! I have been undone many a time by then!

Interestingly, if you looked at it without thinking about where it would be plugged in, it actually looked quite long, but as you would know, not sufficient for where I wanted it to work.