Ok.... it's been more than a week since I posted. How did THAT happen??? Actually, I have no idea what I am going to say now either. Normally I pick some photos, load them in and then talk between them. This time though, at the very second I am typing, I have no photo loaded to go with whatever I decide to say. LOL... I know, Imma nut !
Now I have to go find sumthin.
Ok, I dashed over to my photos and grabbed a few of the photos I took at Mom's Sunday. This is a painted "quilt square" that one of my sister's friends painted. Mom has it on the outside wall at her deck.

She also has a blue bird one.... see???

They are mounted on either side of the window. I was on the deck and there are so many flowers and chairs and the such, I couldn't really get far enough away from them to get a great pic of them both together without making more effort than I was willing to put out in the heat. ;)

I actually took my phone out when I got out of the car to take a photo of this okra bloom. I didn't remember them being so big !

So while I had it out, I clicked a few more, like this neat concrete boot sitting amid the Lilies and Clovers with some little flowers growing out of the top. It almost looks like some toes are poking out of the front of the boot, but I don't think it was originally made to look like that.

I thought this was neat, because the hibiscus had leaned down and joined the zinnias. I wonder if it thought nobody would notice, but they did all seem to be playing nice together though.

My eyes also loved this little zinnia that had not quite fully opened yet, causing the colors from the back and front to show together. Look at the tiny little ones around the center waiting their turn to burst out and display their hot pink colors.

....and the last one for now, I loved the little green pod waiting IT'S turn to hold a giant bloom....or did it already and the petals have dropped away. I'm not quite sure now, but it was So sweet !

It seems I didn't have so much important to say today and that's ok, I don't have anything terribly important to say most days !
There needed to be a post here though, so here it is !
I hope you are all having a good week and the rest of it turns out even better.
Love you ! Mean it!!
Zinnias and hibiscus in one frame and same color are so beautiful. <3
I thought it was sweet how the hibiscus was snuggled into that group of zinnias I was glad I didn't miss seeing it.
Thank you for stopping over !
They look good altogether :)
Thanks !
I see where you got your love of happy colors from!
The nut doesn't fall far from the tree ! ha ha