Hello ! Glad you stopped by for my birthday !
Yes, it seems I made it another year.

I took the day off work. I always take my birthday off. I'm thinking it should be some sort of national holiday really. 🤣 By the time I got my coffee made and sat down at my computer to see how my net world was doing, I already had a Happy Birthday text from my brother and one of my sis-in-laws and a message from my sister Vicky that there was a bag on my back porch. What? A present had arrived before I even got out of bed and it wasn't from Amazon!
So of course I stopped what I was doing immediately and went outside to get it. How exciting ! Isn't this the sweetest bag?

The tag on the handle of the bag is a magic wand. I untied the knot that held the handle to the bag and took the wand off so I can take it with me and use it throughout the day. No telling what kind of magic is going to happen around here !

I opened the card first of course.

What a sweet sentiment, right ? I loved the cupcake stickers she put inside and look ! There is even a "It's my Birthday" sticker for me to wear ! 😂 .... and I'm going to too when I get dressed in a bit.

Sure was a lot of pretty tissue in that bag and inside, there were a few things individually wrapped on some of that tissue.

My Sis and I love good writing pens. Who writes anymore?? I do ! For work a lot, not to go on record, but jotted notes as I take calls, the caller's name and account number and key words about what they tell me or ask about. It helps me if I need to refer back. I also like to jot notes here and there that are not about work, ideas, thoughts, reminders. All that is lots more fun if there is a good writing pen to write with. These must be good writers, otherwise she would not have given them to me. I love all the different colors. Variety is the spice you know.

Next there were some Lindor Peppermint Truffle balls. Oh My ! I had never had any peppermint ones. After I finished opening everything else, I had to try one and it was very yummy. Actually, I've never met a Lindor truffle ball that I didn't like and this was no exception !

Burt's Bees Miracle Balm? Miracle ! For real, at 66 I could use a generous amount of miracles in all kinds of areas, so you won't catch me turning down one in any form. Funny... right ?

Whazzis ?? Some new fangled fun toy ! Ages 3+... why yes... I can see why I got this !
But putty ???

When I opened the can I found this very thick, pliable....stuff? Pliable but not sticky and it has all this little confetti type stuff stuck inside it.

When you take it out of the can you can stretch it in every direction.

Turns out it is a stretchy putty where the goal is to find these 6 characters. Kind of like Where's Waldo, but in a can of stretchy putty. Good gracious ! What WILL they think of next !??

I found one of the characters pretty fast, but I'm sure it will take a bit to find the others. I will get back to that later.

This was such a fun way for a birthday to start. My sister is always so thoughtful and she finds the neatest things, a great variety of useful and just for fun.
In a little while I will be going out to see my Mom. How could I deny her being able to see her little girl on her birthday? ha ha .... I'm thinking there will be some of her famous chocolate pie there. Oh yummy again ! I can't wait.
Thanks again for stopping by on my birthday. I know it's going to be a great day and I hope you have an awesome one too.
Love you !
aka the Birthday Girl !
Happy Belated Birthday! You made it!!! There was no doubt in my mind. The only bad thing on my part is I forgot to show up while they were all singing! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Jacey! Happy Birthday to you!
And many more!!!!
It sure is fun being the birthday girl, especially when your mom makes chocolate pie! Yummy! I do love a good chocolate pie! Anytime is a perfect time! Did she light up candles and sing happy birthday to you?
I am so sorry for being so late!
Happy happy birthday to you! I hope you had a good day and that this will be an amazing year for you! ❤️
Thank you !
No, she didn't light a candle and sing to me, but I know it is only because she accidently didn't think about it. That's ok though. I guess I'll let her get by with it since she cooked a whole meal for just me and made pie. 😄
It was fun, but like always, over too soon !
Thanks for stopping by.
I think we should celebrate half birthdays! 🤔 Birthdays are so awesome, when you get over 40, we should split them! No way we can use up all that fun in one day.
One of the reasons we have birthday weeks!
Glad it was fun and many happy returns!! I have to admit, I have no idea what they mean by that!
The more reasons to celebrate the better I'm thinking !
I'm thinking.... for what 2 cents that is worth ha ha.... that the many happy returns is basically the same as "and many more"..... wishing that you have many more birthdays.
That makes perfect sense and we sing it both ways! :) Duh, Denise! 🤣
LOL @ Duh,Denise ! Hey ! That is just the way I took it, but I would never have sworn that is what other people thought it meant.
You so funny !
What a fun present! And chocolate pie! I hope you have a fantastic day!
Did I tell you that I made your pecan snowballs at Christmas time and they were a huge hit. I took a plate to a housebound neighbor and she said they were the best cookies that she had ever had. My family loved them and they disappeared quickly! As a matter of fact people were saying wait you've already had five of those! Save some for me! I saved a couple aside for myself so that I can have a treat after all the Christmas candy is finally gone.
Thank You Melinda ! I have had a very nice day, although since I spent the afternoon at my Mom's, it has totally felt like a Sunday to me instead of Monday.
I'm so happy to hear that everyone enjoyed the Pecan Snowballs. That made me smile. They truly are the top on my favorites list and believe me, in my 66 years I've enjoyed a LOT of good treats ! I appreciate you telling me. 💚
Happy birthday! All the best for you! Always blessed! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you Anggreklestari !
I appreciate these sweet birthday wishes. 💜
❤ 🎈 🎂 🎶 🎊 Happy Birthday @jacey.boldart! 🎊 🎶 🎂 🎈 ❤
Thank you @shasta ! It was a nice one and I enjoyed my day.
Happy birthday dear Jacey💖🎉🎊
What a fabulous surprise and a very creative gift from your sister! Please send some of that miracle cream this way, although I'll need a massive jar as the wrinkles are rapidly showing up everywhere!
I do hope you enjoyed your very own public holiday!
Thank you @lizelle !
My sister IS very creative and fun. I'm not sure what kind of miracles this balm is supposed to perform, but if it works on anything, I'll need quite a bit more myself ! 😄
It was a very pleasant holiday..... but now it is gone and in a half hour, I'll be working again like nothing ever happened. Ah well.... life goes on, if we're lucky !
I was going to wrap up the precious and gift it to you for your birthday but...it's mine!
Instead I wrote you a birthday haiku:
Happy birthday Jace
Time moves like seasons changing
A new year begins
Thank you @gollumkp !
My very own birthday haiku! What a thoughtful gift !
Even if you are a little selfish about the precious. 😊 I appreciate that it at least crossed your mind to share it for a moment.
Well, you know how I get about the precious, it's quite compelling don't you know...But, I'm free and easy with Haiku's...I have one for every occasion and don't mind releasing an extra special one for you.
Happy birthday Jace, another year wiser! I hope it's a good one.
Thank you ! 😊
Thank you ! Having more birthdays is always good !
I'm off and on myself. Thanks for stopping over. :)
😃🥰Yes, so many reasons to celebrate and give thanks.
You’re welcome.
Gosh @jacey.boldart , sorry I'm late
Belated wishes just make the birthday vibe last longer !
Thanks !