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RE: Sunday Morning Christmas Decor & Memories

in #community2 months ago

Thank you ! I hope you are yours do too.

Of course the tree is more specialer... ha....since my sister made it, than it would be if i just bought it. I do label the boxes as such, in case one day I perish fast without warning (funny, huh?).... so that when others go through, if it would mean something more to them than if it didn't have family history, then maybe another family member will want it.

The only time I remember bubble lights growing up was on my Great-Grandparent's tree. They had other lights on the tree, but there were still a couple of strings of bubble lights winding through it and it fascinated me SO much. I still remember just standing there and staring at them for the longest time.

I keep a bubble light nightlight in my kitchen, one of the plugs above my counter top, but below the upper cabinets. When I am going to be in the kitchen for a while, I turn it on. It stays out all year long too.

Thanks for stopping over.