Try and keep this simple, though a mind is rarely so.
Thus shows the conflicts of the mind. The personal opinion sometimes outweigh the view of the many?
A slogan below to represent a people moving toward a goal.
To be as equals we would be side by side,
The meanings of life we would not hide,
Together united, we rise with pride.
Within that goal there is always a personal taint, and while many of your follower respect you courteously. Let's say there will always be one like me.
While most will follow the belief you share, some will just follow cause it is you.
I see with distant adoration for how you appear,
Mindful admiration for the words you share.
Privileged by the words I hear.
That brings the problem right there.
In all equality there is inherent inequality. This cannot be helped much, due to the fact equality is opinion, what one see's as unfair another will see as fair. Equality in it's most basic form. Is the control by one person or entity over another.
No person or entity has control over another. Within this we must have guidelines or regulations on behavior. Behavior, privilege or lack of privilege, should be equal to everyone. Moving beyond greed is a different topic ;)