Howdy again sir Glen! Very interesting to see this chart and what the possibilities are. It looks pretty encouraging but then as always, it depends on the price of steem. which is going up soon! Great job on this post!
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You say that with so much conviction about STEEM going up. Are you just playing the odds, or do you have friends in high places? :) No doubt the latter. Here's hoping you're right. It would be nice to see prices above $1 at least.
No, I wish I had friends in high places. I don't know anyone in high places but there are so many good analysts on here that strongly believe in steem so I think we have a good chance of staying here and making good money, they've convinced me. The only problem is when the price will rise of course.
Yeah, that's always the problem. Getting the crystal ball out and deciding when things are going to seriously move. I love being in the know, but this is beyond my ability to know at this point, because I'm not in with those who are in high places either, and probably never could be. I'm not that much into socializing, and I can't see what I could possibly offer to someone to make them befriend me, other than they feel sorry for me. :) Since I don't want or need sympathy, I'd be a very unsympathetic person to pity.
re: analysts
Yeah. I can't say I'm convinced, but they do make a better argument than most of the doomsayers. They tend to have history on their side, too. Still, unless they have friends in high places, they can't tell us anything more than what we could noodle out on our own, so it's all still speculation based on historical data that so far points to a "what comes down must go up" type of market reaction.
Howdy today sir Glen! lol..."a very unsympathetic person to pity." that's funny but I agree. I don't know if anyone gets in good with the top people. they wouldn't need any of us bottom feeders. lol. Well, I know that institutional investors like Fidelity and Goldman Sachs are on the sidelines but I'm not sure what they're waiting on. Maybe for the feds to get some more regulations in place and decide how to handle cryptos.
I think something will happen this year as far as rising prices but who knows?
I started to tell you about Mrs. J and her job..they put her on third shift and I'm sure you know how bad that sucks! lol. Have you ever worked third shift? I worked it for probably at least 20 years. It's really hard on your physical body. So far she's handling it well but on her days off she's too tired to do anything after those 12 hour shifts.
That was the shift she didn't want because no one is around and she has no chance to see or talk with any of the bosses. The only reason they put her on there was because their rules or laws state that the women's cells have to have women guards and that takes two women and they only had one on third shift so they put her on, I don't think they had a choice. they're quite a few short on workers.
It's been a very interesting journey so far though and some big eye openers. Like almost every guard treats the prisoners like crap, dirt under their feet, with disdain. Most of the guards should never be a guard! lol..because they're terrible.
She has no problems with the inmates because they're nice to her but the other guards are hard to get along with. And the other guards think she's weak because she doesn't go in screaming, swearing, threatening and calling names. She goes in with a smile and talks to them real friendly and kind and jokes with them and they all love it because everyone else treats them like trash, not even human like.
She's found that there is zero reason to be mean, loud and nasty to the inmates. they respond very well if they are talked to with respect like Mrs. J does and they do cooperate with her. Even the federal prisoners who are the most dangerous are some of the nicest, friendliest, funniest people but only to her because all the other guards just swear and yell at them.
It's just totally amazing what we're learning about the system. 90% of the guards need to be fired! lol. they\re ten times worse than the criminals as far as attitude and character. And there's no reason for it. The bosses are starting to take notice though and are already talking about making her a trainer for new guards.
I'm kind of torn on this information, @janton. I do believe it's good to be treating people with respect, etc. My concern is, who has Mrs. J's back? It seems to me that she could fall victim to either a guard, who resents being shown up, or being retrained on how to do things when they believe what they're doing is what the inmates deserve, or she could bet taken advantage of by the inmates themselves.
I do believe everyone should have a second chance, and should be treated with some level of human dignity. I also believe that there's plenty of room for finding a way to use Mrs. J's natural demeanor against her. So, I hope she has some backup if anyone, on either side of the cell, decides she shouldn't be there anymore, or that she fits nicely into some plan.
It's kind of weird when the inmates are nicer to you than your fellow co-workers.
I do think she has the potential of doing some great things there, as long as she has the backing and protection she needs. It's always a hard thing to go against the status quo.
Third hour sounds like punishment. Hopefully, she won't have to work it too much longer. If she does actually start training guards, surely they'll have her doing it during decent hours.
howdy today sir Glen! yes sir, the training would be mostly during the day but the night shifts have different duties so she would be training them there too but making better money and more importantly influencing guards and turning attitudes around.
This is totally different that a prison setting, half of the people in the county jail are awaiting trial and will be proven innocent, so half the people are not even criminals. She is going by the book and the law. The responsibility of the county jail is just to take care of the inmates who most are being held for a short period of time, it is the jail's job to take care of their needs and make sure they are safe and protected.
She says it's babysittting basically and that's what the law calls for. not harrassment, not punishment(because most haven't been sentenced yet), not insulting and demeaning them and calling them names which is so abusive and immature and unjust and cruel. But most of the guards are immature jerks who like the feeling of having power over someone. Thankfully some of them are getting ready to retire.
As far as having her back, the way the system is set up there isn't any. They have the guards, male or female, going into a cell with 8 to 12 big guys with no cameras! It's shocking but that's the way it's set up.
Of course if anyone even touches a guard that's some serious trouble and a felony and most are on their best behavior because they're awaiting trail. She says most of the guys would have her back if another inmate tried anything. So there's that plus she is more certain than ever, 100% that God has placed her there so we pray and say hey God, you put her in here so you have to protect her.
so far, unlike the other halls and sections under the other guards, she's had total peace on whatever section she has for that day. the inmates, some of them, always try to take advantage in some way but most are super nice and like to joke with her and tease her. She's the only bright spot in that jail system right now and they always ask her to be on their hall. lol.
If they make her a trainer like they're talking about doing, she'll turn that whole place around. Most of the inmates just want to be treated with respect, especially the real criminals, respect is everything to them. by the way, the bosses and leaders there like the way she handles things, they don\t believe in treating people like trash. I think she's going to get promoted fast because no one likes trouble and with the Angels and the Holy Spirit going before her and working with her, there is peace.
Oh, one more thing is that there are several really good, serious, mature people that she worked with on other shifts and they are being moved to her shift so she's going to have a really good crew, they are moving some of the real immature jerks out onto other shifts.